Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Supposed Headache Fluff

It came on with a fury. One moment we were driving along on a sunny Saturday, and the next I was holding my head in pain.

The blue sky went gray. The sun passed behind a cloud. The ringing in my ears increased to a dull roar. Blood pulsed thru my veins. I rubbed my temples for relief.

Then I looked up.

There were trees in front of the parked car where I sat -- three leafless redbuds. And one was blooming. I looked up at the pink blossoms just starting to open and put my hands in my lap. My veins weren't pulsing so hard anymore. The roar in my ears diminished. The sky became blue again.

And the sun shined down on the redbud tree.


Oh, come on now. Give me a break.


You looked up and saw a flower and your headache went away. Give me a break.

Not a flower. A blooming redbud. That's what happened.

Sheesh, what fluff.

I suppose it is.

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