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Day level permalink February 4, 2004

Mass. High Court Backs Same-Sex Marriage
Washington Post - The highest court in Massachusetts declared today that the state legislature may not offer "civil union" instead of marriage for same-sex couples, in a ruling that guarantees that the first state-recognized same-sex marriages in U.S. history can take place beginning in mid-May.
7:32:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

From PLO Terrorist to Lover of Zion

“Never in history was there a Palestinian state,” said Shoebat, “we never wanted a Palestinian state – even today the Palestinians do not want a Palestinian state…”

“Then what do they want?” asked Tovia Singer.

“They want the destruction of the Jews, period,” Shoebat said. “It’s a religious holy war. It’s in the culture, the tradition. Arafat is a chip off the same block as Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Ahmed Yassin – they are all birds of a feather, they have small differences but are birds of a feather.”

2:36:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

Once FCC starts digging, who knows where it'll stop
Chicago Sun Times - Three columns for the price of one: So the FCC is launching an investigation into Boobwatch 2004, and I'm not talking about the Democratic primaries. What did Janet show and when did she show it, and what did Justin know and when did he know it?
8:24:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

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