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Day level permalink February 18, 2004

Comcast not giving up on Disney bid
San Diego Union Tribune, CA - . Comcast Corp. has no interest in buying the Walt Disney Co. at Disney's current market price  – but the takeover battle is far from over.
8:58:42 PM  Item-level permalink    

Yahoo Dumps Google, Strikes Out on Its Own
NewsFactor Network -he gloves are off -- as if they ever were on -- in the fight for search-engine supremacy. In a move to regain its once undisputed status as the go-to online resource, Yahoo announced it is jettisoning its use of Google's technology in favor of its own newly developed algorithmic Yahoo Search product.
This is the beginning of what will be a rapid succession of innovations from Yahoo Search, promises Jeff Weiner, senior vice president, Yahoo Search and Marketplace.

"Within the next few weeks and months, consumers will continue to see improvements to Yahoo's search technology, in addition to advancements in search personalization and other user features," Weiner said.

8:39:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

Music industry's case to ID 'uploaders' adjourned
The Globe and Mail - The music industry will have to wait another month to find out the fate of its legal battle against people it claims illegally distributed music over the Internet.
11:15:29 AM  Item-level permalink    

Yasser Arafat a Moroccan Jew?
The Israeli Guy is delivering the shocking news (I don't believe it for a moment).

"At least that is what a new book published in Syria says. According to the book, written by a top PLO member, Arafat’s father Arrived to Jerusalem from a village in Morocco populated mostly by Jews. The author claims that a cousin of Arafat confirmed that Arafat changed his last name trying to hide his Jewish Moroccan roots. "

9:11:01 AM  Item-level permalink    

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