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Day level permalink January 31, 2004

20000 University of Georgia Students Face Serious ID - Theft Risk
Information Week - The school says hackers may have accessed key information, including credit-card and Social Security numbers.
10:33:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

The Chosen: 7 of 40 Intel Finalists are Indian Americans
IndoLink - Four women and three men account for the seven Indian-American high school students who made it to the Intel Science Talent Search finalists, it was announced January 28th.
10:30:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

The Coming Search Wars. Microsoft and Google are eyeing each other like wary prizefighters entering the ring. By John Markoff. [New York Times: Technology]
10:26:48 PM  Item-level permalink    

Silicon Valley's resurgence: Real this time?. Things are again percolating but Knowledge@Wharton offers a reality check on whether the good times have indeed returned. [CNET - Front Door]
10:26:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

Karzai: Bin Laden Alive, Still in Region
Miami Herald - Osama bin Laden is alive and may be hiding somewhere along the Afghan border, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Saturday.

I don't believe it.  If Osama could show a video with a current newspaper, or even a video that talks about current events, what would he be waiting for?

8:06:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

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