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Day level permalink January 2, 2004


US accused of exploiting Iran quake
Al-Jazeera - A leading Iranian cleric has accused the US of trying to exploit the Bam earthquake for political gain.

10:36:53 AM  Item-level permalink    

CBS and Jacko: New York Times Reporter's Second Mistake?
FOX News - It's a great way to start a new year: a fight between two huge media institutions. The players are CBS News's "60 Minutes" and Ed Bradley vs. the New York Times's Sharon Waxman.  The story is the Michael Jackson hype.
10:29:54 AM  Item-level permalink    

In a slight change of subject for me, I read this  Economist story with interest:

Nine years ago, members of the World Trade Organisation agreed not to take each other to court over farm subsidies. But the “peace clause”, as this agreement is known, expired on December 31st. Will its end mean the beginning of a trade war?

Trade has rules.  It looks like the rules will now be enforced.  Will the economies stand up to the WTO’s punishments and procedures?

9:35:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

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