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Day level permalink January 11, 2004

Hard-Line Iranian Council Bars Thousands From Vote
New York Times -  A new power struggle engulfed Iran's government on Sunday when a hard-line Islamic religious authority disqualified half the 8,200 candidates in parliamentary elections next month, provoking outrage among reformers who accused their conservative rivals of trying to steal the vote.

Rejected candidates included a brother of the reform-minded president, Mohammad Khatami. More than 80 current members of the 290-seat Parliament were rejected, including two prominent feminists, two deputy speakers and six leaders of important parliamentary commissions. Many had been outspoken critics of Iran's strict Islamic religious political system and its treatment of dissenters and diverse views.

10:32:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

CES 2004: Picks and Pans
PC World - From DVD players that do everything to Internet-connected ovens, here's what was good, bad, and just plain weird.
10:30:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

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