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Day level permalink January 5, 2004

If you think the Iraq war is about getting oil for the US, you are wrong, it is about selling stuff to a giant new market.  Yes, we will buy the oil, but we will pay for it, and in return the Iraqis will start buying satellite dishes, cell phones, and game boxes.  Can you imagine what the economy would be without Japan or Germany as a strong trading partner?  Was it worth it in the long run to spend the big money to bring democracy to them?

Not only will Iraq become a major consumer, but also will the countries in the area.  Iranians, and Saudis will smuggle forbidden goods by the ton. 

Former Democratic Senator, and New School University president, Bob Kerrey quote:

"Twenty years from now, we'll be hard-pressed to find anyone who says it wasn't worth the effort."

9:30:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

Pop-up seller loses round in court
CNET - A US district court judge recently barred from delivering pop-up advertisements to some Net visitors, going against decisions in favor of the software maker's controversial ad tactics.
9:19:50 PM  Item-level permalink    

Trips to Iraq reshape war views on Hill
Christian Science Monitor - In a development that has received little public attention, about a third the US Congress has been to Iraq since May - and the trips are shifting the political dynamic on Capitol Hill about the war.
9:16:08 PM  Item-level permalink    

Saudi charged for firecrackers in luggage
A Saudi man is facing federal felony charges after three small "firecracker-type" pyrotechnic devices were found during a search of his backpack after he arrived at Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts.
Essam Mohammed Almohandis, 33, of Riyadh, was arrested this weekend after arriving on a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt, Germany.

He was charged Monday with carrying incendiary or explosive devices on an aircraft and lying to agents who questioned him.

9:05:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Palestinian prime minister calls off talks with Sharon
News 24 Houston - Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia says he's calling off efforts to schedule a summit with Israeli leader Ariel Sharon, citing ongoing violence between Israelis and Palestinians.
8:59:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

450 calves near Yakima to be killed - The US Department of Agriculture plans to kill about 450 calves in Washington state, including an offspring of a cow affected with mad cow disease, federal officials announced Monday.
8:58:03 PM  Item-level permalink    

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