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Day level permalink January 1, 2004

Interactive tech moments that broke the boredom
The Globe and Mail - 2003 will probably not go down in history as one of the more exciting years for the Interactive industries. The recording industry in the United States sued a 12 year-old girl over music downloads and settled for $2,000 (U.S.). Internet voting emerged and brought with it suspicions of vote tampering and election-fraud. Voter apathy on the technical issues was as present as it is on any other issue. Everything else seemed to just keep plugging along in a quiet, careful way.
10:37:12 PM  Item-level permalink    

Beta XP update ready for download - Microsoft has released a test version of the second major update to its Windows XP operating system.
10:35:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

Faster World Whirls Into 2004
Discovery Channel - The world's timekeepers, who track time using an atomic clock and the rotation of the Earth, say our planet is speeding up.
10:34:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

© Copyright 2006 Buck Macklin.
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just an outline of a box
January 2004
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just an outline of a box just an outline of a box just an outline of a box

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