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Day level permalink January 20, 2004

Thousands of Iraqis Demand Death for Hussein
NY Times - Shiite Muslims marched through Baghdad for a second day Tuesday, this time demanding the execution of Saddam Hussein -- whose Sunni-dominated regime repressed the Shiite majority for decades.

Five thousand people joined the march that wound its way from Sadr City, a poor Shiite neighborhood in northeastern Baghdad, to Firdous Square, the plaza in the center of the capital where Saddam's statue was pulled down April 9, marking the ouster of the Baathist regime.

Saddam was captured Dec. 13 and the Pentagon has designated him a prisoner of war.

"The butcher of Iraq is not a POW. He must be punished,'' read a banner waved by some demonstrators.

"Saddam is a war criminal, not a POW. Execute Saddam,'' the crowd chanted, waving huge green flags, the color of Islam.

10:28:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

The Palestinian NGO Network prefers to reject the $1.3m received from USAID in the past decade rather than sign a pledge, that they will not 'provide material support or resources to any individual or entity that advocates, plans, sponsors, engages in or has engaged in terrorist activity'.

What do you think that means they have been doing with the money up to now?

10:17:08 PM  Item-level permalink    

Rogers Cable strikes multi-year alliance with Yahoo Internet portal - Rogers Cable, Canada's largest cable TV operator, and the Yahoo Internet portal are trumpeting a "multi-year alliance" aimed at the market for elaborate new web products.

The Canadian and U.S. technology companies announced some of their plans Tuesday - without giving out any financial details. "Through the alliance, Rogers subscribers will receive high-speed Internet access bundled with a combination of customized Yahoo products and services optimized for broadband," the companies said in a joint news release.

The enhanced service will include Yahoo's personalized homepages; enhanced e-mail, including spam control and additional storage; security and parental controls; premium pop-up blocking; enhanced instant messaging; digital photo tools and storage; and online music and game services. 

10:05:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

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