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Day level permalink January 6, 2004

Gates funds University of Manitoba
The Globe and Mail, Canada - The University of Manitoba is to announce a $21.8-million (Cdn.) grant from Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates on Tuesday to expand the university's research in HIV-AIDS prevention.

Dr. John O'Neil, the university's head of community health sciences, said the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation grant will be used to conduct research in preventing the disease.

The money will be used to expand the pioneering work the university has done in Kenya since the 1980s and in India for the past three years.

4:02:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli delegation to visit Libya later this month
Haaretz - A high-ranking Israeli delegation is expected to visit Libya with the aim of reaching a mutual understanding on the signing of a peace agreement, Kuwaiti newspaper A-Siyasa, quoted on the Al Bawaba website, reported Tuesday.
1:44:20 PM  Item-level permalink    

Yahoo! set to drop Google and develop search offering
Revolution Magazine -  Yahoo! is set to ditch Google as its search provider and use its own search technology as earlier as the first quarter, according to reports.
9:18:16 AM  Item-level permalink    

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