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Day level permalink January 7, 2004

Although I have been talking about Napster, and Itunes quite a bit, I do want to reveal that my new favorite place to download music is

I just downloaded "It's My Life" by No Doubt and "The First Cut Is The Deepest" by Sheryl Crow.  Total cost, with GST $2.12.  Although the user interface is not nearly as slick as iTunes, it is a canadian company, so 99 cents is really 99 cents.   Even Walmart's 88 cents is really (about) $1.50 canadian.  So 99 cents is a good deal.

You should have Microsoft Media Player 9.0 installed to get the full feel, but it does work.  If you got a new mp3 player for christmas, you owe yourself a visit.  Spend 10 bucks, you will not regret it.

10:01:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Releases MSBlast Mop Up Tool - Microsoft released a tool earlier this week to cleanse PCs infected with MSBlast -- the pesky worm that wriggled through thousands of computers across the globe last summer. Company officials said they had concerns that even though systems have been patched, the worm continues to clog Internet service providers' networks.

MSBlast, which originally appeared in August, can still spread to other vulnerable PCs from patched machines which were infected prior to the patch's installation.

The free tool can be downloaded from Microsoft. The company says it removes the worm from Windows XP and Windows 2000 systems. 

6:22:01 PM  Item-level permalink    

Turkey Offers to Mediate Between Israel, Syria
Voice of America - Turkey has offered to act as a mediator between Syria and its arch enemy, Israel, in a bid to end decades of hostility between the two Middle Eastern neighbors. Turkey made the offer to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is on a historic visit to Turkey.
6:06:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

B.C. Muslim newspaper accused of anti-Semitism
National Post - Article blames Jews for 9/11, both world wars, the Great Depression, and 81 other items, ranging from pedophilia and organized crime to "race-mixing," militant feminism and "forcing us to allow homosexuals to lead Boy Scout troops."
9:01:22 AM  Item-level permalink    

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