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Day level permalink January 9, 2004

Trojan Horse Poses As Windows XP Update
Information Week - Trojan.Xombe loads infected machines with an infection that can steal passwords and help hackers launch denial-of-service attacks.

The downloader component, winxp_sp1.exe, is distributed in an unsolicited email that you get, purporting to be an security update for Windows XP, sent by Microsoft.  The email has the following characteristics:

Subject: Windows XP Service Pack 1 (Express) - Critical Update.

Microsoft does not send these sort of emails.

11:46:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

US Indicts Saudi Student
Washington Post - Sami Omar Hussayen, a doctoral candidate in computer science in a University of Idaho program sponsored by the National Security Agency, is accused of creating Web sites and an e-mail group that disseminated messages from him and two radical clerics in Saudi Arabia that supported jihad, or holy war.
11:41:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Syria Role On Iraqi Arms Is Studied
Washington Post - National security adviser Condoleezza Rice reeled off a list of White House grievances against Syria yesterday and said the administration is investigating a report that Iraq stashed weapons of mass destruction across the border in Syria.
11:39:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

Canada has until October to decide to join U.S. missile-defence plan: Pratt - Canada has an October deadline to decide whether it's in or out of the U.S. missile-defence program, Defence Minister David Pratt said Thursday.
Pratt said the Americans have not asked for anything.

"They've indicated at this point that they don't need Canadian territory and they likely don't need Canadian money."

10:08:54 AM  Item-level permalink    

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