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Day level permalink January 13, 2004

If you're a Windows 98 user, you'll be happy to know official support for your software will not end this Friday after all. Instead, Microsoft has changed its mind and will extend the service at least through mid-2006.
10:37:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

VeriSign chosen to run RFID tag network - VeriSign, the company that maintains the Internet's .com and .net domain registry, has been hired to run a new directory to be used to keep tabs on consumer goods using a technology known as radio frequency identification.
10:33:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Warns of VoIP Vulnerability
PC World - Microsoft issued its first security patches of the new year Tuesday, warning users about a critical vulnerability in a component of the Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server used to control IP telephony traffic.
10:32:55 PM  Item-level permalink    

Canada, others eligible for Iraq contracts
United Press International -  Canada will be allowed to compete for major reconstruction contracts in Iraq, US President George W. Bush said Tuesday in Mexico.
10:30:41 PM  Item-level permalink    

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