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Day level permalink January 22, 2004

Belinda has a Blog!

If you don't know who Belinda is, don't worry, but it is interesting to watch a "new" candidate try and use the web to spread the message.

9:30:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

Say Goodbye to Frostbite
It uses the body heat from the upper arm to warm up the fingers.  Good idea!
9:27:07 PM  Item-level permalink    

US Warns 3 Firms Over Drug Imports from Canada
Reuters - US regulators on Thursday warned three Texas-based companies that they were illegally helping employees and retirees of Montgomery, Alabama, import medicines from Canada.
9:02:00 PM  Item-level permalink    

DVD Copying Charges Dropped
PC World - The DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) has dropped its case against a California man accused of misappropriating trade secrets by posting copies of the DeCSS program, which defeats DVD security technology.
9:00:33 PM  Item-level permalink    

© Copyright 2006 Buck Macklin.
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