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Day level permalink January 16, 2004

Streaker's getaway car nicked
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Three men who went streaking through a restaurant were chilled and chagrined when they spotted a thief drive off in their getaway car, their clothes inside.
11:08:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

Mars robotic rover: - The same software that lets people play video games on their cell phones allows scientists to remotely drive Spirit across the surface of Mars.
10:44:08 AM  Item-level permalink    

Canada seeks OK for sanctions against US
Vancouver Sun - Canada joined seven other countries Thursday in seeking authorization from the World Trade Organization to initiate trade sanctions against the United States after it failed to repeal the so-called Byrd Amendment, a law that turns countervailing duties over to U.S. companies.

The Byrd Amendment has already been declared illegal by the WTO. The U.S. failed to meet a Dec. 27 deadline to repeal it.

10:42:48 AM  Item-level permalink    

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