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Day level permalink January 27, 2004

Iraq to probe alleged Saddam oil bribes
Reuters - Iraq plans to investigate allegations that dozens of officials and businessmen worldwide illegally received oil in exchange for supporting former leader Saddam Hussein, officials said on Tuesday.

Organisations named include the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Communist Party, India's Congress Party and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation.

Oil traders say Iraq also smuggled oil through southern ports not monitored by the United Nations and through a pipeline running to Syria.

Damascus says the pipeline was only operating for testing purposes.

7:43:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

SCO Sets Bounty for Worm Writer
PC World - The SCO Group confirms it is experiencing a distributed denial-of-service attack apparently related to the Mydoom worm, and it is offering a reward for capture of the virus writer.
7:24:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

Fast-Spreading Worm Spells Doom
PC World - Mydoom, Novarg, and Mimail.R--it's all the same pest, and it's probably in your inbox.

A new e-mail worm is spreading rapidly on the Internet, clogging e-mail servers and staging an attack on the Web site of Unix vendor The SCO Group, antivirus software vendors say. 

The worm surfaced Monday and has been given several names by antivirus software vendors, including Mydoom, Novarg, and Mimail.R (the latest variant of the prolific Mimail virus). Experts don't all agree on the worm's payload, but they do agree that it is spreading faster than Sobig-F, the worm that topped the charts for the most widespread email worm last year.

6:39:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

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