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Day level permalink January 26, 2004

Bill Gates , The Honorary Knight
Information Week - Bill Gates has been called a lot of things, and now he can add to the list Knight Commander of the British Empire.
10:12:20 PM  Item-level permalink    

Newfoundland man pulls out marijuana during police traffic stop
Yahoo News - A Newfoundland man is facing a drug charge following a routine traffic stop on Saturday night. RCMP pulled over a vehicle driving with a burned-out headlight and noticed the smell of alcohol when they approached the vehicle. Asked about the smell, the 51-year-old driver insisted he had not been drinking due to medications he was taking. As apparent proof, the driver pulled out two pill cases from his jacket pocket.

Unfortunately for him, one of the pill cases contained four grams of marijuana.

10:07:38 PM  Item-level permalink    

Man sentenced for marrying his 15-year-old cousin
CNN - A member of Utah's polygamous Kingston clan was sentenced Monday to a year in prison for taking a 15-year-old cousin -- who was also his aunt -- as his wife.
10:05:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israel Most Famous Pow Is 'In Lebanon'
The Scotsman, UK - After years of saying he had no knowledge of the fate of missing Israeli airman Ron Arad, Hezbollah’s leader now says Israel’s most famous PoW is in Lebanon.
2:35:05 PM  Item-level permalink    

The amazing disappearing budget
CNN/Money - Bush's 2005 plan will pledge to halve the deficit by 2009 -- but that could be an illusion. Like a cowboy-boot wearing David Blaine, President Bush has promised to perform an amazing feat of prestidigitation: he's going to saw the whopping federal budget deficit in half in just five short years.
2:31:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

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