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Day level permalink March 1, 2004

Anne Frank's diary is being used to promote war
CBS News - If you want to hear "hate" coming out of the mouths of school kids, go to the schools of North Korea, as a Dutch television crew did, and you'll hear hate from that country's teenagers directed at the United States.

Western television reporters rarely get into North Korea, but remarkably they let a Dutch television crew in to see how they're using Holland's most famous book, “The Diary of Anne Frank.”

That diary, of her life in hiding during World War II, is now being studied in North Korea's schools. But Anne Frank's plea for peace and freedom got lost in translation.

North Korea is using her diary, not to teach how Anne suffered at the hands of the German Nazis, but to warn the students how they could suffer at the hands of those they call "American Nazis." Correspondent Mike Wallace reports.
10:37:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

Nasa to reveal 'significant' evidence of Martian water
Independent - Space scientists plan to make a "significant" announcement today about their mission on Mars with speculation last night they would announced new evidence Mars was a wet and warm planet, capable of sustaining microscopic life.
9:03:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

Reality TV grips and enrages Arab world
Guardian - Take eight young Arab women, put them together in a house, then whittle them down until one wins a husband approved by viewers, an expenses-paid wedding, and a home in which, hopefully, the couple live happily ever after.
9:02:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft bids for eBay developers - Microsoft announced a partnership with eBay on Monday that will allow Office applications to tie in to the online auction service.
7:40:32 AM  Item-level permalink    

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