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Day level permalink March 15, 2004

The Kurdish Democratic Party is accusing the Syrian government of "massacring the Kurdish civilian population in Qameshli, killing at least 70 people and wounding more than 400."

There are many reports that make this out to be a full blown revolt.

The mainstream media are just reporting this as a simple soccer riot.

Either way, the UN is silent.

2:19:12 PM  Item-level permalink    

Cyber worm origination survey ranks Canada second to the USA
Electric News Net - The Symantec Internet Security Threat report, which details the top ten viruses over the past twelve months, found that 58 percent of computer attacks, excluding worms, originated from the United States (US) in 2003. Canada was second at 8 percent while China, Japan and Australia each reported 3 percent of overall attacks.
11:06:25 AM  Item-level permalink    

Ottawa to give up to $1 billion in BSE help: Report
CBC Saskatchewan -  Ottawa is expected to give cattle ranchers up to $1 billion in aid, if a report appearing in Monday's Globe and Mail newspaper is accurate.
11:02:44 AM  Item-level permalink    

Belmont Club:  The European left has reacted to news that the suspects in the March 11 Madrid train massacre were Moroccans by blaming the United States, representing it as the vengeance of Al Qaeda which Spain brought on itself for helping America in Iraq. It was natural that Osama, who remembers the fall of the Abassid caliphate well, should recall how the Mongols erected a tower of skulls before every city sacked before sending word ahead that any resistance would suffer the same fate. And so the Spanish victims caused their own deaths by being tardy in submission. The Left is now the messenger boy of Islamofacism. They know their place.

Read the whole thing... 

10:16:58 AM  Item-level permalink    

Time waits for no one, not even Microsoft - Microsoft sees its near-term future as a series of "waves" of software that are key to its growth over the next couple of years. But with those waves slow to reach shore, the company--and its customers--may feel like they're caught in a riptide.
6:25:09 AM  Item-level permalink    

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