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Day level permalink February 7, 2005

How Crazy Are They?
Powerline - There has been a lot of buzz about absurd comments made by Eason Jordan, the number one guy at CNN, at the "World Economic Forum" in Davos, Switzerland. Here is how the forum's blog tells the story:

During one of the discussions about the number of journalists killed in the Iraq War, Eason Jordan asserted that he knew of 12 journalists who had not only been killed by US troops in Iraq, but they had in fact been targeted. He repeated the assertion a few times, which seemed to win favor in parts of the audience (the anti-US crowd) and cause great strain on others.

Jordon has made this accusation before.  In November Jordon said, "The reality is that at least 10 journalists have been killed by the U.S. military, and according to reports I believe to be true journalists have been arrested and tortured by U.S. forces."

This is the same guy who justified not reporting the truth in Iraq, because it might have angered Saddam, and put CNN employees in danger.

Somehow I think news like this would certainly be bigger, if it were true.

Almost right away, Jordon, denied saying anything quite as targeted.  He now says that he does not believe the U.S. military is trying to kill journalists.  That he is simply pointing out the facts: While the majority of journalists killed in Iraq have been slain at the hands of insurgents, the Pentagon has also noted that the U.S. military on occasion has killed people who turned out to be journalists.

What did he really say?   Sisyphean Musings says they are going to have a copy of the Eason Jordan World Economic Forum video by this week, from the WEF’s head of media.

Many bloggers have been following this story in depth. For more information see (among others): Captain's Quarters, Hugh Hewitt, a new blog dedicated to the controversy, Easongate, and of course Little Green Footballs and InstaPundit.

1:43:32 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bourque is reporting on his blog about a posting on that fact checks the "Right Honourable, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada", Adrienne Clarkson.

In an Op-Ed for the National Post (February 5, 2005) written by her about her recent trip to Auschwitz she said:

"In the bus on the way to Auschwitz, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, the Grand Duke of Luxemburg, the President of Poland and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke of what we were remembering. Everybody was aware of the role that Canada played in the Second World War and we did not have to explain, especially not to the Queen of the Netherlands, how much we had sacrificed."

Well it seems Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, has been dead for almost a year.  Oops!

10:42:39 AM  Item-level permalink    

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