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Day level permalink February 25, 2005

The San Francisco Chronicle Cinnamon Stillwell sums up nicely why she became a 9/11 Republican.

The anti-Israel sentiment on the left -- inexorably linked to anti-Americanism -- ran high at these events and boiled over into Jew hatred on more than one occasion. The pro-Palestinian sympathies of the left had led to a bizarre commingling of pacifism, Communism and Arab nationalism. So it was not uncommon to see kaffiyeh-clad college students chanting Hamas slogans, graying hippies wearing "Intifada" T-shirts, Che Guevera backpacks, and signs equating Zionism with Nazism, all against a backdrop of peace, patchouli and tie-dye.

Being unapologetically pro-Israel, I was called every name in the book, from "Zionist pig" to "Zionist scum," and was once told that those with European origins such as myself couldn't really be Jewish. In the end, the blatant anti-Semitism on the left, even among Jews, only strengthened my political transformation. I was, in effect, radicalized by the radicals. 

10:23:06 AM  Item-level permalink    

According to CBS4 Denver, Ward Churchill is also an art forger:

Churchill Art Piece Called Into Question

by CBS4 News reporter Raj Chohan

Feb 24, 2005 8:03 pm US/Mountain

BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4) Boulder County resident Duke Prentup has been a fan of native American art for as long as he can remember. That love of art took him to the home of Ward Churchill in the early 1980's, where Prentup bought several pieces of Churchill's art, including a serigraph titled "Winter Attack."

"I have enjoyed them ever since immensely, they're obviously up inside my house," Prentup said.

Last month came a stunning revelation, though, as Prentup flipped through a 1972 book called The Mystic Warriors of the Plains written and illustrated by the late artist Thomas E. Mails. He found a sketch that was strikingly similar to the Churchill piece.

"I opened it up, and Wham, there it was," he said. "It's the exact same thing, only mirror imaged virtually to every detail."

Intellectual property attorney James Hubbell compared the two works side by side, concluding it was likely no accident.

"It's very obvious that the Churchill piece was taken directly from the Mails' piece, there's just too many similarities between the two for it to have been coincidence."

When CBS 4 contacted Churchill Wednesday afternoon near his office on the campus of CU Boulder, the embattled ethnic studies professor initially refused to answer questions.

In response to continued questioning, Churchill became aggressive, pushing a handful of paperwork in front the TV camera, and soon after, swiping his arm at the crew...

Thanks to mardukhai at LGF

UPDATE: LGF reader DaZoid created an overlay of the two images; they’re identical. Click here to see it.

8:52:56 AM  Item-level permalink    

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