Tony Bowden's Radio Weblog:
Updated: 03/05/2002; 15:16:58.


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12 April 2002

Clockwork Orangemen

A few years ago, when BlackStar was at the height of its success, I was on a trade mission to Boston and Pittsburgh with a variety of other local business people, artists and dignitaries - including Sammy Wilson. At one point the official photographer of the event decided that it would be good to get a photograph of myself with Sammy - something to do with East Belfast, IIRC. I jokingly asked if he would keep his clothes on for it, and was strenously warned not to let him overhear me making comments like that, as he still got really annoyed at such things. So I was quite amused whilst driving down the Short Strand a few days ago to notice a recently painted Sinn Féin mural with a delightful Sammy Wilson image.

The above site shows photographs of lots of great Belfast murals. I really like Clockwork Orangemen. And it's pity that Lesbians Are Everywhere isn't actually real.

Meta Googlebombing

Whilst checking my referer log, in relation to my previous post, I discovered that I currently have the top match on Daypop for "Google Ranking".

I wonder if my linking back to it means that it could take over that position itself...

Andrew wants to know how you know who's replying to your weblog posts.

I've found that people take two main approaches. Some people email you, either to discuss your post, or, most often, to point you to the response they've written in their blog. Others just link to you, and wait for you to find out through your refer(r)er logs.

Emailing seems to almost go against the spirit of "conversation via weblog", but I'm not sure that the "find me through your logs" approach isn't a little too subtle.

Hmmm ... can I access previous days referer log entries in Radio? Must investigate...

hfb explains how to make a dot bomb icosahedron

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