Tony Bowden's Radio Weblog:
Updated: 03/05/2002; 15:17:01.


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21 April 2002

Fix CSS problems with JS

David Schontzler has a wonderful javascript fix for Internet Explorer's broken CSS margin support. Now instead of working around this with a variety of CSS hacks, you can write completely valid CSS, drop this JS in, and everything will just work.

I hope other versions of this start appearing for all the other broken CSS implementations. It'll make the life of the web designer so much easier, as there's no longer a need to remember all the little hacks.

Rounded corners

Sova v sí­ti has a nice approach to CSS-based rounded corners, which seems to work on every moden browser I've tried, and degrade nicely.

Kent Beck on Requirements Creep

In "Agile Software Development Ecosystems" there's an interview with Kent Beck, where he rants about requirements creep. However, unlike most project managers etc who similarly rant about requirements creep, Kent says: "We don't want requirements creep; we want requirements to get up and dance. The problem is that they are just creeping. New requirements are caused by evolving businesses and you want as much of that as possible."

Browsing Google

Dave Winer has created a Google Outliner Browser. It's a different way to crawl through The Mind of Google

For those without outliners, I've knocked up a simple web-based version at

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