25 April 2002
Very interesting mail client (finally one with a blog style calendar!) Takes the Google approach rather than the Yahoo approach to information retrieval.
[via Simon]
1:24:12 PM
Interesting presentation from Tools99 on improving code quality through Human Engineering.
The examples are a bit weak, and I suspect that the "conclusions" weren't so much conclusions, but the starting point. But I think they're good:
- Humans make mistakes (especially programmers)
- By Human Engineering the language various Sins of Omission, Confusion, and Sloth can be caught
- Human Engineering takes conscious effort:
- Use Redundancy, Compartmentalization, Completeness Checks,
- Anecdotal evidence that good human engineering can significantly reduce test and integration phase
- Much more experimentation and research is needed
[via Ziggy]
1:06:00 PM
Rome was getting angry
So Mart went on the run,
And then the Pope went postal
When he married a nun
So come on, come on
Do the Reformation with me
12:40:44 PM
26 steps to a successful site.
10:23:57 AM
As in contemporary theater, the actor may enter the audience.
10:12:45 AM
© Copyright 2002 Tony Bowden.