SpaceKitty Wanderings

joyful resistance in difficult timesClick here to send an email to the editor of this weblog. Click to see the XML version of this web page.

Aimée's Recent Radio Work

Visit Scorcher Radio for more radio features and documentaries

Media, Democracy, Peace & Justice. 5 minute audio collage using the voices of "Making Contact" for their 10th anniversary (5 minutes, MP3)

Documenting Torture: Holding the United States Accountable. On this edition, we trace the seeds of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal to 9/11 and previous to that time. We hear from survivors of torture, human rights advocates, and a soldier. And we'll revisit the official government reaction. (29 minutes, Real Audio)

On a Mission. Scott and Joe were both raised in the Mormon community. But being gay puts them at odds with their families and the church.(26 minutes, Real Audio)

June 2006
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Rammed Ass
I've been listening to a Ram Dass tape my friend Erik lent me. I had never heard Ram Dass speak before having his stroke (I highly recommend seeing the documentary on him, Fierce Grace). And his laugh, is one of the most lyrical I've ever heard. Here are few things he mentioned I found useful, in cliffnote form.

*When making a big decision or going through transition, slow down so that you can be in harmony with that decision. When you make a decision with the mind you become unbalanced and that' where the fear is. Wait until it's ripe, like a fruit being picked from a tree. Enjoy the process, the getting there should be as fun as the end product.

*yogic love takes a lot of time and commitment to truth-telling.

*expand to include within self the outside world. A boundaryless way of being in the universe is masked by the mind which is connected to our separateness.

*an empty place in the head is the best place for listening.

*stay with truth, not consistency, even if others do not understand.
9:54:09 AM  comment []    

new world of groove
my friend scott just turned me onto pandora. i am just starting to play around with it, but i can quickly see that it is a dangerous place. you put in music you like, the music genome project (what an awesome name!) analyzes the musical qualities of each song. i.e. "highly synthetic sonority, subtle use of noise effects, trippy soundscapes, prevalent use of groove" and creates a station based on these traits.

right now i am listening to my new station based on plaid. garooovey!
9:15:35 AM  comment []    


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