Y. B. Normal
Ziv Caspi can't keep his mouth shut.
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Updated: 2002-09-22; 2:33:30 PM.

Monday, August 12, 2002
Client-side XSLT transform 7:18:18 PM • comment []Google It!

When I was using Radio's news aggregator, I relied on RssDistiller for converting Advogato diaries (which come as XML files) into RSS feeds.

Now that I'm using exclusively a mail-enabled Aggie, I wrote an XSLT transform to do that. Since Aggie only understands URLs as RSS feeds, I used the W3C XSLT Service.

Recently, I've started getting wierd errors from the W3C XSLT Service. So today, I sat down and wrote a little xslt: protocol handler in .NET that downloads the xmlfile and xslfile from the web, and returns the transform in the WebResponse.

Amazingly, starting with zero knowledge on how protocol handlers work in .NET, it took me only a day. Cool.

© Copyright 2002 Ziv Caspi.

August 2002
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