Y. B. Normal
Ziv Caspi can't keep his mouth shut.
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Updated: 2002-09-22; 2:33:31 PM.

Tuesday, August 13, 2002
Painfully Parsing RSS 3:51:07 PM • comment []Google It!

Mark Pilgrim writes (and rants) of the pain that is parsing RSS.

For some reason, even people well-aware of XML, HTML and the gap that's between them don't bother to check that their RSS feeds are actually well-formed XML. People leave stray '&' around; people include HTML entities (such as ") although XML only has five built-in entities; they do other mistakes.

This is, in fact, one of the first changes I made in Aggie (and perhaps the largest) -- I added a "massage" stage before loading each RSS feed into the .NET XML parser to perform partial HTML entity decoding. I can tell you that was a pain to debug.

Then again, perhaps that's not people's fault? A lot of this pain would have been eliminated had XML supported HTML entities, and could have handled stray ampersands. Not to mention our favorite subject of encoding. If a person like Dave Winer has an RSS feed that MSXML/IE refuses to display (apparently, in his current feed lacks an encoding declaration, which means that the parser assumes UTF-8; some characters in the feed itself are not UTF-8), perhaps the tools need to be modified, not people.

Ignore 12:29:25 AM • comment []Google It!

Radio is going south on me again. Please ignore this test.

© Copyright 2002 Ziv Caspi.

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