Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 8/1/2005; 1:57:00 AM.


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Sunday, July 31, 2005

Mother seeking support, cursed at for questioning war

One mother's war after Son survived suicide bomb

Marsha Walker's son survived a suicide bomb in Iraq.

Her daughter spent a year in Kuwait last year, and her father is a former Marine reservist. She’s part of a military family; she and her sister went into criminal justice because their father dissuaded them from a military career. Marsha is a Blue Star mother, meaning a mother whose son is serving overseas.

So it came as a bit of a surprise when an email exchange with her local Blue Star chapter concluded with an expletive: "fuckoff."

The Ohio mom had contacted her local chapter after coming across their website earlier this month. It’s a plain, bright page, one that doesn’t stand out at first glance.

But there was something that caught her eye: an animate montage of planes hitting the World Trade Center and the resulting aftermath. In one image, a man in a bloodstained shirt teeters on the verge of collapse, in another, a panicked crowd looks on in horror. None of the photographs reference current U.S. military operations in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Beneath the graphic is a live clock: "War was declared on the United States of America, 1,414 days, 15 hours, 49 minutes and 12 seconds ago," referring to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

"They’re trying to make a connection between Iraq and 9/11," she asserts. "I guess that's supposed to make parents feel better in some way but only the uninformed ones–because if you're informed, it infuriates you."

After seeing the site, which was taken down after an inquiry by RAW STORY, she dispatched an email.

Hello. I am a blue star mom of two reservist soldiers. My 20-year-old-son is "Soldier of the Month" and has been awarded the Purple Heart. He is a reservist with the Ohio National Guard.

"I am not a “Spartan mother” and I feel no need to sacrifice my children’s lives for this war. People willing to give their children’s lives for the war in Iraq are grossly misinformed, and I question their love for their children and their country...

"I do not see any reference to groups that many blue and gold star families may not be aware of. I realize you are not a political organization, but I am not going to stand by idle, wearing a pin, while my son's life and other soldier’s lives continue to be misused for a cause that is not reality based. 911 had NOTHING to do with Iraq or Saddam-your website, much like this President’s talking points do not balance with the truth of this situation. Please give your members something besides more hand wringing and a pin to wear.”

"...Military personnel have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, not an allegiance to this President-whose own mother, of course, did not have to endure being a "blue star" mom for a similar senseless war. This war is illegal, goes against the Constitution….a person of my background does NOT make these accusations lightly."

Marsha says she felt an obligation to correct misinformation on the site. Just four months before, her son Chris was part of a convoy outside Baghdad ambushed by a suicide bomber.

"I had just come home from protesting the war, in March," she recalls. "When I heard that my son had been injured, I called to get the details."

An officer fielded the call.

"I said, 'It seems awfully ironic that I'm just coming home from a protest,'" she says. "And he said, 'Yes ma'am.' I said, 'I think it's pretty ironic, don't you,' and he said, 'Yes ma'am, I'm sorry I do.'"

"It was mostly cuts and abrasions," she adds. "The others were more injured than my son."

Two hours after her email came this anonymous reply.

"Facts? Where are yours?"

"Im sorry to hear you dont support the career choices your sons have made, it must make them feel good about themselves that momma doesnt [sic] give a rats ass about them ." Maybe you should go join up Code Pinko at Walter Reed Medical Center they are there every Friday jeering our wounded troops.

"Bush's Mother did indeed have to endure being a Blue Star Mother, or have you forgotten all of John Kerry's accusations of him ditching his service during Vietnam, which was proven false he did serve his full time. You do not have to wring your hands and wear a pin to be recognized as a Blue Star Mother, we honor all members of the US Military.

"Illegal war? Congress voted overwhelming to go to war in Iraq. "We are not obligated to link to any other website other than those we feel fit to link to, don't like it start your own website...

“The Democrats in Congress speak out of both sides of there [sic] mouths Bush lied about WMD yet when their man was in charge these were there responses."
The email listed roughly a dozen quotes from leading progressive politicians who believed Iraq had or was pursuing weapons of mass destruction. They indicate Democrats believed Iraq’s weapons program posed a grave threat and were serious about eliminating it, but the context suggested Democrats had sought to start a war with equal fervor as President Bush.

Marsha was outraged. She didn’t take lightly to being told she didn’t give a “rat’s ass” about her son. Nor was she amused by the falsehood that Bush had “served his full time.” So she fired off another letter.

Dear Nameless Bush worshipper, (idolatry, according to the bible)

I got my “facts” from places like the CIA, allies’ newspapers, ect. [sic] You see, I will not set my kids out like lambs to slaughter –I am far better informed than your “talking points.” I have no time to start my own website and little to educate you. But I am here to tell you-“Commie Pinko”- I am the daughter of a Marine officer and have a background in law enforcement so for you to imply I’m even a Democrat is a joke. I am an informed person who knows the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Geneva protections...

Our troops recently trained on what to do if their camps are overran. Do you understand the implications of that? Our soldiers are greatly outnumbered, their equipment is getting broken, and replacements are behind. Do you understand? If you continue to support this war, you will eventually be standing alone. Educate yourself-do not take my word for it.

Funny you would think my SONS were involved. My daughter just returned from a year in Kuwait. My children and other soldiers are proud of the military but not proud of politicians who have sent them unprepared into a war of choice. That is unacceptable. My own family has spent thousands of dollars for equipment for my son-some of it needed JUST SO HE COULD DO HIS JOB IN THE WAR. I guess this is acceptable to you. It is not to me...

So no, I am not willing to shove my kids out the door and say die for this war, because I know what this war is really about. Did you notice there aren’t any WMD in Iraq? Mr. Bush takes advantage of people’s faith and ignorance-they, like you, will heatedly stand up for him-right or wrong without examining facts or solid intelligence. He counts on the fact that you will take him at his word, as obviously you have. That is too bad; I find it easier to live with the truth than to attempt to justify this war.

She included a quote from the twenty-sixth president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt.

“That we are to stand by the president, right or wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

It was this missive that earned the reply "fuckoff."

Marsha's frustration is palpable. She's against the war and is not shy about it, and it's not simply about the effort to tie Iraq to Sept. 11. It's about Chris.

Marsha tells how her father, a former Marine, supported the war and maintained that the troops would have everything they needed.

"My dad said, I know they're getting everything they need," she recounts. "I thought, okay, what can you say? He's your father."

"Six months later, he was having to send things to his grandson to help assist in the war effort, that he did not have."

Marsha says her father helped pay for body armor. Her son, Chris, is a communications specialist.

"We've sent him extra armor," she says. "He did have new armor when he left, it was military issued, it was not the best – there are police officers on the street who have better armor, and I know that because I have a degree on criminal justice. We've had to send him tools so he can literally do his job of repairing radios."

Beyond armor, she says she's also sent basic tools like sockets and wrenches. She laughs as she says it, but she's obviously pained by how little support she's seen from those who would send her son to fight, and perhaps to die.

"I did send him a whole ratchet set," she recalls. "It's outrageous. We have to pay to send him things, and of course we have to send him things all the time, hair gel even, for instance. It costs a lot of money to send those packages. I took three small boxes to the post office last week and spent $40."

Chris will be deployed until October–or at least that's how long he's supposed to serve in Iraq. I ask her when she thinks he'll be back.

"I don't know," she says wearily. "I told him, that I have his orders here, and he better not volunteer to go back there."

"He needs to get home, go to classes, and stop worrying his mother," she continues. "I can hope."

"My son is someone who is going to contribute to this world," she adds. "He was raised with public service in mind. This is a gross misuse of his patriotism."

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: The Raw Story | One mother's war : Mother seeking support cursed at | Blue Star Mom Irate over False Connection of Iraq War and 9/11 | Kryten42's blog | Loaded Mouth | DSM Headlines | Loaded Mouth | Loaded Mouth | We've got a Reality Bias | amerpie's reviews | Mother seeking support cursed at for questioning war | Open Thread | The Al Franken Show | Air America Radio | Jabberwonk.com

10:58:18 PM    

Vienna museum opens 'Naked Truth' to nudes

Scores of naked or scantily clad people wandered the museum, lured by an offer of free entry to "The Naked Truth," a new exhibition of early 1900s erotic art, if they showed up wearing just a swimsuit -- or nothing at all.

With a midsummer heat wave sweeping much of Europe, pushing temperatures into the mid-90s Fahrenheit (mid-30s Celsius) in Vienna, the normally staid museum decided that making the most of its cool, climate-controlled space would be just the ticket to spur interest in the show.

Peter Weinhaeupl, the Leopold's commercial director, said the goal was twofold -- help people beat the heat while creating a mini-scandal reminiscent of the way the artworks by Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka and others shocked the public when they first were unveiled a century ago.

"We wanted to give people a chance to cool off, and bring nakedness into the open," he said. "It's a bit of an experiment. Egon Schiele was a young and wild person in his day. He'd want to be here."

Most of those who showed up in little or no attire Friday opted for swimsuits, but a few hardy souls dared to bare more. Among them was Bettina Huth of Stuttgart, Germany, who roamed the exhibition wearing only sandals and a black bikini bottom.

Although she used a program at one point to shield herself from a phalanx of TV cameras, Huth, 52, said she didn't understand what all the fuss was about.

"I go into the steam bath every week, so I'm used to being naked," she said. "I think there's a double morality, especially in America. We lived in California for two years, and I found it strange that my children had to cover themselves up at the beach when they were only 3 or 4 years old. That's ridiculous."

For years, the Austrian capital has been known for a small but lively nudist colony on the Donauinsel, an island in the middle of the Danube River where people disrobe, often startling the unsuspecting joggers, cyclists and rollerbladers who happen upon them.

Overwhelmingly Roman Catholic Austria has always been somewhat more conservative than many other European countries. The Viennese were scandalized when native art nouveau masters like Klimt -- best known for his sensuous "The Kiss" and the subject of an upcoming film starring John Malkovich -- began producing works that some critics panned as "indecency," "artistic self-pollution" and borderline pornography.

The 180 works on display at the Leopold through Aug. 22 include Klimt's "Nude Veritas," an 1899 painting of a naked young woman with wildflowers in her hair, and Schiele's "Two Female Friends," a 1915 rendition of two nude women entangled in each other's arms.

Max Hollein, director of Frankfurt's Schirn Kunsthalle art museum, likened the public uproar at the time to "the visible outcry at the live transmission from last year's Super Bowl when, for a few seconds, CBS broadcast shots of the singer Janet Jackson's exposed nipple."

Mario Vorhemes, a 20-year-old Vienna resident who strode into the Leopold on Friday wearing nothing but a green and black Speedo, was nonchalant.

"What's the big deal?" he asked. "We're born naked into this world. Why can't we walk around in it without clothes from time to time?"

Elina Ranta, a fully clothed tourist from Finland who checked out the art -- and the audience -- left amused.

"I thought, 'This is strange. How is this possible in a museum?"' Ranta said. "We've been in many galleries and I've never seen people walking around like this."

"In English, my name means 'beach,"' she added. "That's pretty funny under these circumstances, isn't it?"

categories: Body
Other Stories according to Google: Vienna museum opens to nudes beating the heat | Vienna museum opens to nudes beating the heat | CNN.com - Vienna museum opens to nudes - Jul 29, 2005 | Vienna museum opens to nudes beating the heat - Yahoo! UK | AOL News - Art Lovers Wander Nude in One Museum | ART- Naked -at-the- Museum , Bgt | The Seattle Times: Travel Outdoors: Real nudes roam through an | Museum to let naked people in free: SouthFlorida.com | Austria Museum Lets Naked People in Free | AccessAtlanta | Austria Museum Lets Naked People in Free

12:28:17 PM    

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