Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 10/1/2005; 2:48:35 AM.


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Thursday, September 22, 2005

Katrina Wall Of Shame

The NOLA hospital workers were the real heros of Katrina, who stayed with patients as the floodwater swamped their medical facilities. In comparison, FEMA, the residents and police force of Gretna, and the Universal Health Services hospital administrators are the real Assholes of Katrina. FEMA and Gretna officials have already been condemned on this blog and elsewhere. The hospital workers were ordered to stay behind with the remaining patients, now they're losing their jobs.   Story Link

Charlene Gonzalez wanted to get out of town before Hurricane Katrina hit, but because she was a nurse at the only hospital in this low-lying waterside community, she would lose her job if she did not stay at her post.

Then, after Gonzalez, her husband and more than 100 other employees and their families spent days trapped by rising floodwater, the Pennsylvania-based corporation that owns Chalmette Medical Center, Universal Health Services, told its employees that they could count on only two more weeks of pay.

"They left me to die," Gonzalez said. "And now nobody's even called to say, 'Thank you,' nobody's even called to say, 'I'm sorry.' "

In the days following Katrina, southeastern Louisiana's hospitals became isolated deathtraps as power failed, water rose and severely ill patients could no longer survive. Officials have not accounted for all the patients at the two-story Chalmette hospital, but staff members say at least four died, three of whom were critically ill and had orders that they not be resuscitated.

Several hours after the hurricane struck early Monday, Sewell lay down in his first-floor office for a nap. He felt water on his back. Water was pouring into the hospital, drowning the first-floor generators. The waters that were beginning to rise in New Orleans were inundating St. Bernard Parish. Within two hours, about 16 feet of water covered the first floor, and rescue workers launched airboats off the second floor terrace to retrieve neighbors stranded on their roofs.

For the next three days, up to 400 evacuees took shelter on the hospital's second floor. Food and water were tightly rationed — meals consisted of a scoop of cottage cheese, a few slices of fruit and two pieces of ham. Staff desperately tried to keep conditions sanitary without a sewage system and tried to break shatter-proof windows to let fresh air into the scorching building.

By Wednesday, parish officials had found a scrap of dry land to function as a triage center. Sheriff's deputies, firefighters and civilians began to shuttle patients to the parish jail, which sat on high ground. The next morning, the last of the staff was evacuated by a National Guard helicopter. Sewell was on the last flight off the hospital roof.

But it is Universal Health Services' behavior after the flooding that has infuriated the residents of St. Bernard Parish, a devastated suburb of 65,000 residents, where every neighborhood was inundated. The area remains uninhabitable, buried by mud. The hospital is severely damaged.

Officials at Universal say the anger is understandable after such a catastrophe, but they contend they did everything they could for their patients and employees. They say they tried to evacuate their hospital — albeit at least a day after emergency officials say they urged it — but that it was too late to get all the patients out. The company, which had $3.9 billion in revenue last year and says it is the nation's third-largest hospital management corporation, says it is trying to place employees with some of its 84 other facilities and has started a foundation to aid those who lost their homes.

But Universal says on its website that it is committed to paying through Saturday the 2,800 employees at its three New Orleans-area hospitals, including the 900 at Chalmette. It says they will receive insurance coverage through at least the end of October.

Both the director of emergency medicine and parish emergency officials pleaded with hospital administrators to evacuate before the storm. Patients and employees were trapped because of administrators' "depraved indifference" (in the words of the parish's medical director of emergency preparedness.) And as of Saturday, the people who risked their lives unnecessarily won't even have a paycheck. At the end of October, they will no longer have insurance.

Obviously Universal is taking lessons from the Republicans and the Bill Frist insider stock sell-off, property, profit and the bottom line trump the needs of people.
It's about seeing people down and in trouble, and deciding to KICK them instead of helping them.

As Jeanne at Body and Soul says Greed is not going to rebuild the Gulf Coast for the benefit of anyone but the most greedy.

categories: Outrages
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11:39:15 PM    

FBI Recruits Wanted For Porn Squad

Mary Carey, the buxom porn star seen below, ran for California governor and dined with President Bush at a GOP fund-raiser, says despite her racy occupation, she's still a Christian, and has her own aspirations of winning the presidency in the future.

There are plenty of sleazy aspects of the sex industry to keep me from being it's defender other than the obvious censorship and First Amendment issues. But I do know pandering when I do see it, and I'm seeing it with Bush's Sex Police :

The FBI is joining the Bush administration's War on Porn. And it's looking for a few good agents.

Early last month, the bureau's Washington Field Office began recruiting for a new anti-obscenity squad. Attached to the job posting was a July 29 Electronic Communication from FBI headquarters to all 56 field offices, describing the initiative as "one of the top priorities" of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and, by extension, of "the Director." That would be FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III.

Mischievous commentary began propagating around the water coolers at 601 Fourth St. NW and its satellites, where the FBI's second-largest field office concentrates on national security, high-technology crimes and public corruption.

The new squad will divert eight agents, a supervisor and assorted support staff to gather evidence against "manufacturers and purveyors" of pornography -- not the kind exploiting children, but the kind that depicts, and is marketed to, consenting adults.

"I guess this means we've won the war on terror," said one exasperated FBI agent, speaking on the condition of anonymity because poking fun at headquarters is not regarded as career-enhancing. "We must not need any more resources for espionage."

Among friends and trusted colleagues, an experienced national security analyst said, "it's a running joke for us."

Let's see. We've got a leaky border in the Southwest. We've got a resurgent Taliban and Al Qaeda who want to kill us. We've got the usual serious crimes that the FBI normally handles and we never found out who mailed those anthrax letters. It's so nice to know even if we can't afford Gulf Coast hurricane reconstruction, that we can spend Federal money to allow FBI agents to troll internet porn sites.

Do they think Hurricane Katrina and Rita are just the result of enormous amounts of heated moist air that was twisted high in the atmosphere and then began to circle counterclockwise, which then generated winds between 74 and 200 miles per hour? Pat Robertson who believes Hurricane Katrina/Rita was sent by God as an omen or as a punishment for America's alleged sins. And don't forget the alarmists like Hal Lindsey for whom it's clear that Hurricane Katrina/Rita signals that "the judgment of America has begun."

Ergo, if we stop all this legal porn marketed for adults, God might stop trying to drown us.

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: LP: Recruits Sought for Porn Squad | Liberty Post | BostonHerald.com - FBI LAUNCHES NEW ANTI PORN SQUAD | Federal Bureau of Investigation - Press Room - Headline Archives | FBI News | The J-Walk Blog | Technorati Search for: huffington post | Wired 10.10: Caught in the Kid Porn Crusade | Captain's Quarters

2:20:38 AM    

Bush's Booze Crisis?

The National Enquirer is just out with a bombshell. The tab reports on its website today — for issues available in New York tomorrow and nationwide on Friday — that George W. Bush is back on the sauce, caught by Laura downing a shot after he learned of the Katrina crisis.

His worried wife yelled at him: "Stop, George."

Following the shocking incident, disclosed here for the first time, Laura privately warned her husband against "falling off the wagon" and vowed to travel with him more often so that she can keep an eye on Dubya, the sources add.

"When the levees broke in New Orleans, it apparently made him reach for a shot," said one insider. "He poured himself a Texas-sized shot of straight whiskey and tossed it back. The First Lady was shocked and shouted: "Stop George!"

"Laura gave him an ultimatum before, 'It's Jim Beam or me.' She doesn't want to replay that nightmare -- especially now when it's such tough going for her husband."
Actually, we sort of glad to hear the president is drinking again. "Brownie, you’re doing a hell of job," makes a lot more sense coming from a drunk man.

...Isn't it appalling that the only remnant of independent media left in this country is the freeping National Enquirer?... To paraphrase Johnnie Cochran:

"If the White House don't sue ... It must be true!"

categories: Politics
Other Stories according to Google: Bush Watch | Deinonychus antirrhopus : Social Security Crisis Revisited | EUbusiness - EU FinMins in flap over booze - EUbusiness Week 229 | Seeking a cure for the hurricane hangover | Economist.com | Jeffrey St. Clair: High Plains Grifter, the Life and Crimes of | VOXNYC: "Disinformation and Bush's rise to power" | An Anthology of the Best Political Opinion and Commentary From the | Mayor hits lack of crisis alerts - The Washington Times | Bush Watch | Archinect : Discussion Forum : View All : George Bush's America

12:21:38 AM    

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