Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 11/1/2005; 5:40:11 PM.


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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Rove and Gannon In Search of a Straight Story

The game in Plame lies mainly on the BLAME!

Oh my. This really is getting fun.
If Rove told the FBI agents the same story that he and McClellan were telling the press, then he might have set himself up for a felony charge of lying to a federal law enforcement official. And if he lied, then he need not have been under oath to have committed a crime.

Another intriguing possibility in the leaks case brings back the baroque personality of right-wing pressroom denizen Jeff Gannon, born James Guckert.

The New York Times reported Friday that in addition to possible charges directly involving the revelation of Valerie Wilson's identity and related perjury or conspiracy charges, Fitzgerald is exploring other possible crimes. Specifically, according to the Times, the special counsel is seeking to determine whether anyone transmitted classified material or information to persons who were not cleared to receive it -- which could be a felony under the 1917 Espionage Act.

One such classified item might be the still-classified State Department document, written by an official of State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, concerning the CIA's decision to send former ambassador Joseph Wilson to look into allegations that Iraq had tried to purchase uranium from Niger. Someone leaked that INR document -- which inaccurately indicated that Wilson's assignment was the result of lobbying within CIA by his wife, Valerie -- to right-wing media outlets, notably including Gannon's former employers at Talon News. On Oct. 28, 2003, Gannon posted an interview with Joseph Wilson on the Talon Web site, in which he posed the following question: "An internal government memo prepared by U.S.
intelligence personnel details a meeting in early 2002 where your wife, a member of the agency for clandestine service working on Iraqi weapons
issues, suggested that you could be sent to investigate the reports. Do you dispute that?"

Gannon later hinted, rather coyly, that he had learned about the INR memo from an article in the Wall Street Journal. He also told reporters last February that FBI agents working for Fitzgerald had questioned him about where he got the memo. At the very least, that can be interpreted as confirming today's Times report about the direction of the case.

You know, James Guckert's return to the scene is an interesting twist. The man-whore-in-the-White-House story never really got any play in the
mainstream press. It's going to be hard NOT to talk about it if he turns out to be a major witness. e Pluribus Media published an analysis of Gannon's contradictory statements on the memo issue:

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: Campaign Extra!: "Jeff Gannon " and Karl Rove -- one degree of | Daily Kos: CONFIRMED: Jeff Gannon was an adult porn webmaster | Daily Kos: LOOK OUT- WE'RE BEING FRAMED- It's About Propaganda | Daily Kos: MSM Picking Up on Gannon - Time to crank up OUR Framing | Daily Kos: Gannon Story is NOT over | Daily Kos: Rove , Bolton, DSM all one story | Daily Kos: For Immediate Release: The Jeff Gannon Controversy - A | Daily Kos: Gannon scoop shows White House Forged TANG/CBS memos?!?! | WorldNetDaily: Homosexual press hot to 'out' Bush figures | Jeff Gannon - A Voice of the New Media: General Archives

11:06:09 PM    

Missouri Spies on Drivers Through Cell Phones
The state of Missouri has begun a program to track individual movements on highways through cell phones.

The Missouri Department of Transportation will spend $3 million annually on a program to monitor the movements of individuals on highways via their cell phones -- without their knowledge or consent.

Delcan NET, a Canadian company, developed the system which triangulates the location of each driver by monitoring the signal sent from the cell phone as it is handed off from one cell tower to the next. Each phone is uniquely identified and the information is compared with a highway map to record on what road each motorist is traveling at any given time. The system also records the speed of each vehicle, opening up another potential ticketing technology.

Missouri rejected the simpler solution used by other states of embedding sensors in the pavement that record how many vehicles pass over a stretch of pavement without uniquely identifying them. Missouri wanted a program that required less equipment.

"The traffic community has been really excited for quite some time about the possibility of being able to use cell phones to track vehicles," Valerie Briggs, program manager for transportation operations at the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials told the Associated Press. "Almost everyone has a cell phone, so you have a lot of potential data points, and you can track data almost anywhere on the whole (road) system."

A pilot program in Baltimore only tracks Cingular cell phones on 1,000 miles of road. AirSage Inc. has contracted with Sprint to spy on motorists in Norfolk, Virginia and Atlanta and Macon, Georgia.

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: Odeo: Tom's Trucker Travels & Audio Podcast | Odeo: Truckin' Tom's Audio Podcast | Odeo: Truckin' Tom's Audio Podcast | Odeo: Truckin' Tom's Audio Podcast | Podcast.net - The Podcast Directory | Amazon.com: Gideon's Spies : The Secret History of the Mossad | Parents Hand Out Keys, and a Monitoring Device (washingtonpost.com) | University of Pittsburgh: Pitt Magazine | Pravda.RU The CIA’s Kitty Cat spies

9:32:44 PM    

20 Things That Only Happen In Movies

Nostalgia Central Link

1. It is always possible to find a parking spot directly outside or opposite the building you are visiting.

2. When paying for a taxi, don't look at your wallet as you take out a note. Just grab one out at random and hand it over. It will always be the exact fare.

3. Television news bulletins usually contain a story that affects you personally at the precise moment it's aired.

4. Creepy music (or satanic chanting) coming from a graveyard should always be closely investigated.

5. Any lock can be picked with a credit card or paperclip in seconds. UNLESS it's the door to a burning building with a child inside.

 6. If you decide to start dancing in the street, everyone you bump into will know all the steps.

7. All bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red digital displays so you know exactly when they are going to explode.

 8. Should you wish to pass yourself off as a German officer, it will not be necessary to learn to speak German. Simply speaking English with a German accent will do. Similarly, when they are alone, all German soldiers prefer to speak English to each other.

9. Once applied, lipstick will never rub off. Even while scuba diving.

10. The Eiffel Tower can be seen from any window of any building in Paris.

 11. Any police officer about to retire from the force will more often than not die on their last day (especially if their family have planned a party). (Caveat: Detectives can only solve a case after they have been suspended from duty).

 12. Getaway cars never start first go. But all cop cars do. (They will also slide to a dramatic stop in the midst of a crime scene).

13. If staying in a haunted house, women should investigate any strange noises wearing their most revealing underwear.

14. On a police stake-out, the action will only ever take place when food is being consumed and scalding hot coffees are perched precariously on the dashboard . .

15. All grocery shopping involves the purchase of French loaves which will be placed in open brown paper bags (Caveat: when said bags break, only fruit will spill out).

16. Cars never need fuel (unless they're involved in a pursuit).

17. If you are heavily outnumbered in a fight involving martial arts, your opponents will wait patiently to attack you one by one by dancing around you in a threatening manner until you have defeated their predecessor.

18. If a microphone is turned on it will immediately feedback.

 19. Guns are like disposable razors. If you run out of bullets, just throw the gun away. you will always find another one.

20. If being chased through a city you can usually take cover in a passing St Patrick's Day parade - at any time of the year.


categories: Humor
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12:05:34 AM    

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5.The secret Downing Street memo - Sunday Times - Times Online
6.AfterDowningStreet.org | For a Resolution of Inquiry
7.Downing Street memo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
8.Downing Street memo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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