Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 11/1/2005; 5:40:45 PM.


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Monday, October 17, 2005

Judith Miller Claims "Deep Throat" Title

Miller, in the process of praising Mark Felt, sought to merge herself with him, in an act of innocence by association.

In a ceremony utterly unaware its own self-consuming ironies, Mata Whori yesterday presented an award to Mark Felt on behalf of the First Amendment Coalition. Joining her on the panel was her long-time apologist Floyd Abrams:
Both Abrams and Miller attempted to equate her with Woodward, Bernstein and Felt as a courageous defender of the First Amendment.


In his keynote address, Floyd Abrams delivered a combination of tight legal argument and sweeping generalizations. In addition to accusing unnamed blogs of being "vile beyond words" during his speech, Abrams concluded the question and answer session lamenting "the level of bile... the level of personal cruelty... the level of near madness" directed against Miller. Yet, he never seriously addressed the reasons why many hold Miller in contempt, simply waving them off as having to do with her earlier work. In effect, Abrams pretended there were no connection between Miller's false, propagandistic reporting on Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, and her involvement-however tangential or stillborn-in the counter-attack on Joseph Wilson for exposing part of that lie.
Hey, Floyd: Didn't you get the boot? If you're not still on the clock, why are you peddling this shit?

Floyd's irrational anger would indicate that he is still in the throes of a wee bit of denial. He's probably spent the past twenty-four hours hugging the porcelain throne after reading Judy's self-serving justifications and obfuscations in the Times and getting a glimpse into how this is all going to play out for him.

I wonder how Big Lou Dobbs is going to feel when the real story comes out. She does have her way with men, doesn't she.

I feel bad for Mark Felt. If I were he I'd have spit at her and refused the award unless someone else gave it to me. And they'd better wash it first.

Judith Miller: Armstrong Williams in whiteface and a skirt. Stick a fork in the NY Times. They're done.

categories: Outrages
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1:45:47 PM    

The Burger King King Guy Scares Me Alot
The Spot: It's morning. Birds are chirping. A man wakes up in his bed … and discovers he's not alone! Next to him on the mattress there is some sort of royal personage: a king, clad in burgundy robes and a crown. But the king's head appears to be made of plastic and is perhaps three times too large for his body. He hands the stunned man a breakfast sandwich. They laugh together.

How did the fast-food wars become a frightfest? A while ago, we wrote about Ronald McDonald and coulrophobia—aka, fear of clowns. But in recent months, it's Burger King’s mascot who's been giving people the willies. Check out the fear and loathing that a quick blog search pulls up: "If I were to ever chop down a tree to find the creepy King standing behind it with a nasty sandwich on a silver platter ... well I would all of a sudden have a new use for my saw." • "If I saw the Burger King standing at my bedroom window, behind a tree or at the other end of a log, I think I can safely say I would freak out completely. I would never eat anything he gave me." • "If that sumbitch just appeared out of nowhere, I'd 1) mess myself; 2) kick him in the jimmy; 3) run like hell." • "The reason why I have guns is in case I wake up and some creepy guy in a Burger King mask is looking in my window." • "I had a nightmare last night that he was in league with the gophers in my backyard on a mission to mock me and destroy my lawn. He was standing at the back of my lot line with that disturbing permagrin and sending forth squadrons of the creepy little vermin to dig holes relentlessly." • "If someone stalked me at work, was wearing a costume, wouldn't say a word and then tried to offer me a sandwich, I'd call the police." • "It's just scarey [sic] to look at, especially when he pops up in all the wrong places." • "He's just a creepy S.O.B. I fear him like a clown."

But there's more to it than that. Using a ridiculous plastic head, and an absurd situation, gives this ad an edgier mood—more ironic and wink-wink—than that of your average fast food campaign. And that's the goal. CPB thinks Burger King can differentiate itself with a hipper vibe. Its competitors (namely McDonald's and Wendy's) have more family-friendly images and thus couldn't (or wouldn't) go as far. More Burger King marketing in this edgier mode: the Subservient Chicken Web site. Meanwhile, when McDonald's tries to get hip, they show us kids playing basketball on rollerblades. BK's stuff is just far more subversive. CPB says the core market for fast food is 18- to 35-year-old males, and these are "the most cynical" consumers out there. In setting the mood for the campaign, CPB tries to keep in mind "the cool uncle—the uncle who tells you how things really are, and lets you get away with a little bit more than your mom and dad do."

categories: Miscelleous
Other Stories according to Google: .:: chuggnutt ::. | The Burger King creeps me out | The Infidel Guy Show / FreethoughtMedia.com :: Forums :: Burger | Vegan Porn: Hardee's introduces the Monster Thickburger. Omnivore | SPAWN.COM Message Board - The Burger King really freaks me out | "We commend the sensitive and prompt action that Burger King has | Now the king told the boogie man | November 8th - 14th 1999 | HalloweenForum.com - What spooks/ scares you? | Oh USAOh Canada | Not Only But Also: Ad Trend: Inanimate Spokeobjects

12:37:39 PM    

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