Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 11/1/2005; 5:40:46 PM.


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Thursday, October 20, 2005

VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans
By Gene C. Gerard

Truthout Link

The Veterans Affairs Department is currently reviewing approximately one-third of the cases of veterans who are receiving disability benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). After conducting an internal study, the VA believes that they were too lenient in deciding which soldiers were eligible for PTSD benefits. Last year, the VA spent $4.3 billion on PTSD disability payments, and the VA hopes to reduce these payments by revoking PTSD benefits for many veterans. This will be the final insult to soldiers who were asked to fight a war in Iraq on false premises.

Owing to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the number of veterans receiving compensation for PTSD has increased by almost 80 percent in the last five years. By comparison, the number of veterans receiving compensation for all other types of disabilities increased by only 12 percent. Under the guidelines of the current review, soldiers who cannot prove that a specific incident, known as a "stressor," was sufficient to cause PTSD, their benefits will be revoked. Given the nature of warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan, it's not surprising that many returning soldiers are suffering from mental illness.

In the July 2004 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, Colonel Charles W. Hoge, MD, the chief of psychiatry at Walter Reed Army Institute, published a preliminary study of the effects of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan on military personnel. The study concluded that close to 20 percent of soldiers who served in Iraq and approximately 12 percent of those who served in Afghanistan returned home suffering from PTSD. The study found that there is a clear correlation between combat experience and the prevalence of PTSD. The study determined that "Rates of PTSD were significantly higher after combat duty in Iraq."

Approximately 86 percent of soldiers in Iraq were involved in combat, as were 31 percent in Afghanistan. On average, soldiers engaged in two firefights for each tour of duty.

The study indicated that 95 percent of soldiers had been shot at. And 56 percent of soldiers had killed an enemy combatant. An estimated 28 percent were directly responsible for the death of a civilian. Equally grim, 94 percent had seen or handled corpses or bodily remains. Additionally, 68 percent witnessed fellow soldiers being killed or seriously wounded.

Although the number of soldiers suffering from PTSD is high, Dr. Hoge's study found that a majority of veterans are not seeking treatment. Only 40 percent of returning soldiers acknowledged that they need mental health care, and only 26 percent were actually receiving care. Therefore, the number of veterans approved for PTSD compensation by the VA is relatively small. Yet the VA believes that too many soldiers were approved for PTSD disability compensation and is now seeking to deny soldiers this benefit.

The lack of pre-war intelligence also likely contributed to a rise in PTSD disability claims. Studies of the Vietnam War have indicated that when soldiers can't anticipate the nature and intensity of warfare that they ultimately encounter, they are psychologically unprepared, leading to PTSD in many instances. During the early phase of the war in Iraq, many soldiers were almost certainly unprepared for what they encountered.

The Bush administration initially indicated that the war would be quick and easy. Vice President Cheney, only a few days after the invasion of Iraq, infamously stated that soldiers "will, in fact, be greeted as liberators." Ahmed Chalabi, a close advisor to the Bush administration prior to and immediately following the invasion said, "American troops will be greeted with flowers and candy" by the Iraqi people, and the administration repeated this many times. President Bush flew onto a US aircraft carrier in May 2003 and, while standing beneath a banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished," announced that major combat operations had ended.

It's easy to understand why the VA has seen an increase in soldiers seeking benefits due to post-traumatic stress disorder. What is difficult to comprehend is why the very agency responsible for meeting the needs of our veterans is now turning its back on them. Perhaps it's attributable to money. The Bush administration may be seeking to reduce compensation to soldiers for PTSD so that more money can be diverted to the ongoing war in Iraq.

Or, perhaps this is simply a public relations issue. The effort to revoke PTSD benefits may be an attempt to assert that the war has not been that devastating. What is certain is that the very people asked to sacrifice their lives, if necessary, for the nation are now being punished for doing so.

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: truthout - Gene C. Gerard | VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans | Gene C. Gerard | VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans | VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans :: Alternative Press Review | VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans | VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans :: from www.uruknet.info | VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans | Voices - VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans | (DV) Gerard: VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans | Political Affairs Magazine - VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans | Gene C. Gerard: VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans

11:15:00 PM    

VFW Motorcycles Drown Out Protestors


VFW motorcycles drown out Fred Phelps protest

CHELSEA: God spoke with the roar of revving motorcycle engines during a protest Tuesday by six members of a Kansas church that believes God is punishing the U.S. for protecting homosexuals by killing soldiers overseas.

Couldn't be the opposing army who's killing em. People do tend to die in wars.

"Chelsea residents, however, believed God spoke on their behalf as the engines of more than 100 Veterans of Foreign Wars motorcycles drowned out the voices of the Westboro Baptist Church members who were allowed to protest from 1-1:30 p.m. before the 2 p.m. funeral services for Staff Sgt. John Glen Doles."

But the No. 1 reason was to show support for Staff Sgt. Doles and his family and to oppose Fred Phelps, who is the leader of the anti-homosexual group.

The bikers succeeded in keeping the protesters out of sight and sound of the Doles family but for anyone else close enough to see their brightly colored signs spoke loud and clear: "GOD IS YOU OR ENEMY; GOD HATES THE USA; GOD IS AN AMERICAN TERRORIST; TOO LATE TO PRAY; THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS; YOU'RE GOING TO HELL; GOD HAS SPOKEN IT'S NOT A BLESSING IT'S A CURSE and AMERICA IS DOOMED."

The locals had a couple of signs of their own. Three older women held up a white sheet that said "SHOW AMAZING GRACE" and two young people held a cardboard sign saying "YE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE."

John B. Milam, a Chelsea native, said of his feelings about the protest, "I have no respect for anyone who has no respect for the dead."

Not only was it a pathetic protest in the first place - six people? Doesn't this guy have like 80 kids? - but veterans on motorcycles drowning them out? It doesn't get much sweeter than this.

Although I would prefer to just attribute it to karma. But that's me.  I think "God Hates Fred Phelps" myself.

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: Claremore Progress - Local News | Claremore Progress - Claremore Progress | VFW motorcycles drown out protestors | Wizbang | Wizbang: Discussion on VFW Bikers Drown Out Phelps Funeral Protest | VFW motorcycles drown out protestors | TBRNews.org | Personal Beavis - Good. | Bugles Across America :: Honoring America's Veterans and their | Bugles Across America :: Honoring America's Veterans and their

1:22:27 AM    

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