Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 1/2/2006; 9:23:22 PM.


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Comments by: YACCS

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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Not Fooled By Bill O'Reilly's Fake War On Christmas

Peacenik Christians Kidnapped - Rush, Right-Wing Pill Popper Happy

FOX NEWS: "Is the "war on Christmas" hurting your portfolio?"They had a segment on that said (I kid you not) "The liberals attack on Christmas would cause the stock market to drop and ruin the American economy" I was floored. They even had "experts" on the show to explain how bad liberals are and how bad the economy would be if there was no Christmas.

"Every company in America should be on its knees thanking Jesus for being born. Without Christmas, most American businesses would be far less profitable; more than enough reason for businesses to be screaming Merry Christmas." Bill O'Reilly

I always thought Jesus wanted people to give away all their money rather than spend it. I find Bill O'Reilly and his so-called "war on Christmas" blasphemous and absurd.

Everytime I see the right try to take advantage of religion I keep thinking about the one time where the gospels showed Jesus show any anger: when merchants and others were trying to take advantage of the synagogue for personal gain.

What would Jesus do? Probably tear apart Bill O'Reilly's set. Nah, Jesus would never have anything to do with the rich and the powerful. They were never his homies.

CPT confirmed on 11/29 that the 4 human rights workers went missing in Baghdad on 11/26. CPT is a program of Brethren, Quaker and Mennonite Churches (USA & Canada). Rush Limbaugh went on his radio talk show talking about how "part of me is glad" they were kidnapped to show those hand-wringing do-gooders a little reality.

I can see all the war-loving Christians piling on right now. "We're no do-gooders. In fact, do-gooding is bad where we come from. We're flag-waving, Arab shooting, yellow-magnetic-ribbon sporting, gas-guzzling car driving, whoring, snorting Christians! Screw those Christians who believe in peace. Unlike Rush, the CPT is praying for the safe return of their hostage members who are ACTUAL REAL Christians Kidnapped in Iraq in this Peacemaker post at Fuzzy and Blue.

"We were very saddened to see the images of our loved ones on Al Jazeera TV. We are deeply disturbed by their abduction. We pray that those who hold them will be merciful and that they will be released soon. We are angry because what has happened to our teammates is the result of the actions of the US and UK govts due to the illegal attack on Iraq and the continuing occupation and oppression of its people. CPT has worked for the rights of Iraqi prisoners who have been illegally detained and abused by the US govt (read CPTers letters here documenting their good works). We were the 1st people to publicly denounce the torture of Iraqi people at the hands of US forces, long before the western media admitted what was happening at Abu Ghraib. We are some of the few internatls left in Iraq who are telling the truth about what is happening to the Iraqi people We hope that we can continue to do this work and we pray for the speedy release of our beloved teammates." While it is sad that anyone is kidnapped and/or murdered by their kidnappers in Iraq, this kidnapping is doubly sad because these are people who truly try to live as the 4 Gospels (that detail the peaceful, tolerant and loving Ministry of Jesus of Nazareth) ask them to live.

These people are selflessly spreading the word of The Prince of Peace thru humanitarian aid-- and they don't have megachurches or TV ministries. They are not spreading the corrupt and sinister words of the nefarious god of the Religious Right-- and don't let the lying God Squad tell you otherwise.

Jesus would be with the old, the sick, the poor, the troubled, the sad and the sinners. He'd be in the loneliest places with the lonliest people, in the cold and in the worst part of town. He'd be with the forgotten people, under a bridge, drinking wine with the homeless.

UPDATE 12/06/2005: Media writer Neil Gabler, a regular Fox news panelist, asserted that Fox News hosts Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and John Gibson are "demagogues" who seek to "rally the masses" with their talk of a purported effort to suppress public recognition of the Christmas holiday. On the December 3 edition of Fox News Watch, Gabler said of those making such accusations: "They'll do it every Christmas. They did it last Christmas; they'll do it next Christmas." Later in the segment, Gabler stated:
"The media, particularly Fox media, has been pumping the hell out of this thing."

Jesus was all for tolerance. And to have -- Bill O'Reilly has made this WAR a huge issue. He's obviously getting a lot of feedback. John Gibson has a book about it, another Fox anchor. I think this is largely a fund-raiser for Jerry Falwell to pick up on some run-amok PC.

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: Crooks and Liars | Crooks and Liars | Booman Tribune ~ Boo! | Daily Kos: OPERATION: FALAFEL | Daily Kos: Somebody stole Christmas ? | Daily Kos: Bill O'Reilly Enemies List a Dud | NPR : 'Daily Show' Correspondent Readies 'The Colbert Report' | Oh Really O'Reilly | BuzzFlash - Daily Headlines and Breaking News | Democratic Underground - Latest Threads

12:46:18 AM    

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