Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 12/2/2005; 1:22:41 AM.


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Comments by: YACCS

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Costly Iraq Withdrawal Price For Foolish War

Invading Iraq and misleading the American people, Bush has launched the most foolish war in over 2000 years since Emperor Augustus in 9 B.C sent his legions into Germany and lost them.

The number of American casualties in Iraq is now well more than 2,000, and there is no end in sight. Some two-thirds of Americans, according to the polls, believe the war to have been a mistake. And congressional elections are just around the corner.

What had to come, has come. The question is no longer if American forces will be withdrawn, but how soon — and at what cost. In this respect, as in so many others, the obvious parallel to Iraq is Vietnam.

For misleading the American people, and launching the most foolish war since Emperor Augustus in 9 B.C sent his legions into Germany and lost them, Bush deserves to be impeached and, once he has been removed from office, put on trial along with the rest of the president's men. If convicted, they'll have plenty of time to mull over their sins.
First and foremost, such a presence will be needed to counter Iran, which for two decades now has seen the United States as "the Great Satan." Tehran is certain to emerge as the biggest winner from the war — a winner that in the not too distant future is likely to add nuclear warheads to the missiles it already has. In the past, Tehran has often threatened the Gulf States. Now that Iraq is gone, it is hard to see how anybody except the United States can keep the Gulf States, and their oil, out of the mullahs' clutches.

A continued American military presence will be needed also, because a divided, chaotic, government-less Iraq is very likely to become a hornets' nest. From it, a hundred mini-Zarqawis will spread all over the Middle East, conducting acts of sabotage and seeking to overthrow governments in Allah's name.

No, that isn't a quote from some wild-eyed lefty, that was a quote from an article by "Martin van Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University, [who] is author of Transformation of War (Free Press, 1991). He is the only non-American author on the U.S. Army's required reading list for officers."

Read the whole article. It is cogent and educated and smart and credible. I expect numerous personal attacks on Professor van Creveld to be launched by the neo-con chickenhawks shortly.

Maintaining an American security presence in the region, not to mention withdrawing forces from Iraq, will involve many complicated problems, military as well as political. Such an endeavor, one would hope, will be handled by a team different from — and more competent than — the one presently in charge of the White House and Pentagon.

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: Forward Newspaper Online: Costly Withdrawal Is the Price To Be | The Forward Newspaper Online: Costly Withdrawal Is the Price To Be | Scoop: Costly Withdrawal Is the Price To Be Paid | truthout - James J. Zogby | Adrift and No Substantive Debate | Iraq Occupation and Resistance Report | Washington News | Forward Newspaper Online: Costly Withdrawal Is the Price To Be | Nieman Watchdog > Ask This > What’s wrong with cutting and running? | Global Terrorism after the Iraq War : Special Reports: Publications | 'Just World News' by Helena Cobban: Military historian Van Creveld

11:40:45 PM    

Al Jazeera Staff Says - Don't Bomb Us

Al Jazeera is a hell of a lot more professional news organization than Fox News, and it knows a hell of a lot more about the value of freedom of speech. It's only the parochial idiots that populate parts of America that think they know more than everyone else in the world.

DON'T BOMB US....In the ever expanding blogosphere, the latest entry is a blog from several Al Jazeera staffers titled, appropriately, "Don't Bomb Us." Here are five things they would like you to know:

    1. Al Jazeera was the first Arab station to ever broadcast interviews with Israeli officials.

    2. Al Jazeera has never broadcast a beheading.

    3. George W. Bush has recieved approximately 500 hours of airtime, while Bin Laden has received about 5 hours of airtime.

    4. Over 50 million people across the world watch Al Jazeera.

    5. The Al Jazeera websites are http://www.aljazeera.net (Arabic) and http://english.aljazeera.net (English). AlJazeera.com, AlJazeerah.info and all other variations have nothing to do with us.

For what it's worth, item #4 is really the only one that matters. After all, whatever war it is that we're fighting, it's obvious that it's primarily a war of ideas — and the only way to win that war is via persuasion. Al Jazeera's 50 million viewers are our core audience for our ideas, and bombing their headquarters sure isn't going to do anything to get those viewers on our side.

In any case, "Don't Bomb Us" is your one stop shop for all news about George Bush's alleged desire to reduce Al Jazeera's headquarters to rubble. Check it out.

Is Al Jazeera is the main propaganda outlet for the other side in this war?

Actually, the main propaganda outlet for the Islamist radicals and Iraqi rebels is the Bush regime. From the talk of "crusades" to the invasion of Iraq to Guantanamo Bay to the Abu Ghraib videos Bush and his henchmen are busy working day and night to incite even more Muslims to take up al Qaeda's cause.

As I've explained before, this was all a terrible misunderstanding: Bush never said he wanted to bomb Al-Jazeera, he  may have just wanted to get bombed on alcohol.

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: Don't Bomb Us - A blog by Al Jazeera Staffers | Don't Bomb Us - A blog by Al Jazeera Staffers: Would you like to | Don't Bomb Us - A blog by Al Jazeera Staffers: Boris Johnson MP | Sabbah’s Blog » Blog Archive » Don’t Bomb Us - A blog by Al | Sabbah’s Blog » Blog Archive » Bin Laden Sought to Bomb Aljazeera | Mirror.co.uk - News - EXCLUSIVE: BUSH PLOT TO BOMB HIS ARAB ALLY | Movie & TV News @ IMDb.com - Studio Briefing | War on the Media: ' Don't Bomb Us ' | Media Notes Extra | Keld Bach’s Press Cuttings » Blog Archive » Don’t Bomb Us - A blog

9:35:03 PM    

Paper Trail Vs Current Vapor Trail

Votes are valuable, and each voter should have the knowledge-and the confidence-that his or her vote was recorded and counted as intended.

Electronic voting has returned us to the bad old days of ballot-box stuffing and vote-rigging, when it didn't matter who voted as long as the right-- i.e., connected -- people did the counting. Even if you don't think there was monkey business with the votes in Ohio last year (and the number of people who still believe those votes were counted fair and square is steadily diminishing), you have to acknowledge that electronic balloting without a verifiable paper trail creates a wide-open door for all kinds of election fraud.

That's why everybody -- Democrat, Republican, Green, Socialist or whatever -- should stand with New Jersey's own Rep. Rush Holt, one of the smartest guys in Congress, and sign the "Voter Confidence Petition" in support of the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act, or H.R. 550.

This link will give you your info, but here's what the bill (which is stalled in committee) would do in a nutshell:

* Mandate a voter-verified paper ballot for every vote cast in every federal election, nationwide (because the voter verified paper record is the only one verified by the voters themselves, rather than by the machines, it will serve as the vote of record in any case of inconsistency with electronic records);

* Protect the accessibility requirements of the Help America Vote Act for voters with disabilities;

* Require random, unannounced, hand-count audits of actual election results in every state, and in each county, for every Federal election;

* Prohibit the use of undisclosed software and wireless and concealed communications devices and Internet connections in voting machines;

* Provide Federal funding to pay for implementation of voter verified paper balloting;

And most importantly . . .

* Require full implementation by 2006 -- the election the Republicans are most worried about. Not that I'm implying the GOP would be tempted even the slightest bit to put its trunk on the scale. Heavens to Betsy, I wouldn't dream of even suggesting such a thing. That's why I'm confident we'll see support for this bill extending well beyond the Democratic side of the room. Otherwise I might have to think uncharitable thoughts about Republicans! Goodness gracious, we don't want that to happen, so by all means click here and do your bit for democracy.

It's sad that we even have to talk about why it's important to have an auditable voting system in this country.

It's even worse that there's a need for legislation to mandate a paper trail.

It's practically criminal that any member of Congress should oppose such basic, fundamental principles about election integrity and the people's right for a vote to count. The lack of Republican support for HR 550 says it all.

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3:21:06 PM    

Finally Six Flags' Mr. Six Getting Deep-Sixed

Six Flags... the Wal*Mart of amusement parks

Mr. Six, that freakishly festive old bald guy (actually, probably not old) with the oversized glasses and bad makeup is won't be invading our televisions again with his manic dancing and annoying "We Like to Party" song.

Now new owners will have finally put him to rest. He's not an appealing character, and he would seem to frighten some children. (He frightens some adults.)

Mr. Six memorabilia flies off the shelves. The look-alike contests draw hundreds. He has his own roller coaster, Mr. Six's Pandemonium. All in all, Mr. Six has been a huge, if annoying, success. Despite this, Dan Snyder, who took control of Six Flags amusement parks along with two partners yesterday, plans to force the old spokesgeezer into retirement, the New York Post reports. Apparently, Snyder and his team want to shift the primary marketing focus from thrill-seeking teenagers to mothers with young children.

Mr. Six did like to party, but the party's over.

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2:45:14 PM    

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