Outrages : Outrageous conduct as I see it.
Updated: 4/2/2006; 9:23:30 PM.


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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Democrats Fuming Over Finegold's Censure Motion

In my life, liberals have been kept under control by what Dave Emory once called the three B's: bribes, bedrooms and bullets. If you can't bribe 'em, you blackmail 'em. If that doesn't work, you shoot 'em. The cowardice of the Dems on such an obvious thing suggests numbers one or two.

If someone sends out another mailing of anthrax to the Senate building maybe we're back to the third option.

Update:The censure resolution is now headed for the Judiciary Committee and Sen. Harkin has become a co-sponser.  Sen. Boxer and Menendez say they support the censure.  Only 3 senators say they won't support censure, Sen. Dodd, Dayton and Holy Joe.

While mainstream media outlets have pounced on the fact that Democrats blocked an effort by one of their own to censure President Bush over his warrantless wiretapping program, RAW STORY has found that Senate Democratic offices are fuming. The proposal to censure the President was introduced on a Sunday talk show by Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI).

Though all say they believe the program warrants "more investigation," several Senate aides rebuked Feingold for proposing censure. They say that his move had the potential to derail Democratic efforts to strengthen the party's image on homeland security issues, noting that a large part of the country believes the eavesdropping program should continue. Bush has defended the program, calling it a "terrorist surveillance" program, and has used aides to defend its legality.
Strikingly, some of the criticism came from liberal Senate offices.

One longtime Senate aide was particularly scathing.

"Feingold's grandstanding screwed the pooch and played into Bill Frist's hands," the aide said. "Thank God Dems punted this down the field. Frist was going to force Democrats to vote on a resolution Feingold had kept a big secret and he would've split the caucus on an issue that needed time to get the whole caucus to support. Russ Feingold had only one persons' interests in mind with his Sunday bombshell, and those were his own. He practically handed a victory to a Bush White House that desperately needs a win."

Feingold, defending his censure plan today on Fox News, said: "I'm amazed at Democrats, cowering with this president's numbers so low. The administration just has to raise the specter of the war and the Democrats run and hide…too many Democrats are going to do the same thing they did in 2000 and 2004. In the face of this, they'll say we’d better just focus on domestic issues…[Democrats shouldn't] cower to the argument, that whatever you do, if you question administration, you're helping the terrorists."

There are several points that make censure, better yet, impeachment, an imperative.
1. Bush spied on innocent Americans without a warrant.
2. He admitted it.
3. He had an easy legal mechanism to do what he wanted to do, ignored it openly, claiming absolute executive power during this manufactured war, destroying our constitutional checks and balances.
4. He (by means of the NSA) has passed information to the FBI to spy on citizen organizations that oppose him, but otherwise are completely peaceful and legitimate - i.e he has used his power towards partisan ends.

So many people are saying that the American people agree with what he is doing, but they just believe that he should be able to spy on al-Qaida. It is another failure of Democratic leadership that they have allowed this spin to survive. It would be very easy to destroy it with a few more people just repeating what Feingold said on TV yesterday. The Democratic leadership are trying to force us into a new party. The scoundrels.

Who are these pansy-ass little staffers and why are they spouting shit like: "The majority of the American people agree with what the president’s doing. A lot of people outside the beltway see this as a tool that’s keeping Americans safe."  WTF! I thought only around 35% approved of his bullshit. And since when are the publics' approval or disapproval ratings the basis of action for protecting the people from politicians violating the laws they swore to uphold? Any idiot that believes wiretapping will keep us all safe deserves no liberty whatsoever and should have his/her citizenship stripped immediately.

Feingold seems to be the ONLY person in the senate or the house that is not BOUGHT. Think of the double-think bullshit in the story: "Feingold's only in it for himself", but "what a stupid move by the Dems"! If it was such a stupid move for "the dems", why would it be such a great grand-standing move for Feingold?

Absolutely,f@#$king pathetic...

The point is not whether Finegold is a team player — it’s whether the Democratic team is willing to play.

I'm with Digby on this one, and the motion only drives home the point:
It is past time for elected Democrats to begin laying out the case that the leader of the Republican party, the man to whom the congress has blindly followed at every turn for the past five years, is dishonorable. They must begin to create a low hum that reverberates throughout the body politic that says "the Republican party is unethical, untrustworthy, inept and dishonorable." Make people hear it in their heads before they go to sleep each night.

Russ Feingold has just taken the first step to doing this. His censure motion will not pass, of course. But he's started the hum. The press is listening. They are shocked, it can't be, how can he say that? But Feingold is saying outloud, for the whole nation to hear, that the president defied the law and broke his oath to defend the constition.

As the magnificent helmeted Cokie Roberts once said, "it doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's out there." In this case, it's true. And now it's out there.

Finegold's motion is "out there" because Bush and the Repubs are so bloodied by now. It's a measure of how far and fast Bush has fallen that Repubs are forced to burn prime time capital fending off such an otherwise quixotic attack.

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9:26:53 PM    

Rapist Rights Supported By Joe Lieberman

In Connecticut, rape counseling activists say a recent study concludes that about 20% of state hospitals routinely refuse to offer emergency contraceptives to rape victims who are determined to be ovulating at the time they're attacked. A proposed bill would require them to do so.

And what sayith Holy Joe about this? According to The New Haven Register:

This fight isn't exclusively being drawn along party lines.

U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, who often takes a conservative line on social issues, is facing a liberal Democratic primary challenge from wealthy Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont. But that hasn't stopped Lieberman from supporting the approach of the Catholic hospitals when it comes to contraceptives for rape victims.

Lieberman said he believes hospitals that refuse to give contraceptives to rape victims for "principled reasons" shouldn't be forced to do so. "In Connecticut, it shouldn't take more than a short ride to get to another hospital," he said.

If Catholics want rape victims to be forced to carry the fetuses of their attackers that's great, let them move to South Dakota.

It is outrageous and yet quite predictable that Lieberman once again provides "bi-partisan" cover to this especially ugly brand of religious extremist bullshit. His cloture vote put Alito on the Supreme Court and paved the way for what is happening today in South Dakota, Mississippi and Missouri. That he continues to be considered a "friend of choice" by both NARAL and Planned Parenthood is an absolutely contempt worthy. They should both be denouncing him loud and long and calling bullshit on his claim to be "pro-choice" rather than rubber stamping his nonsense.

Where does Joe say about censure. And Holy Joe doesn't let us down:
But Sen. Joe Lieberman, D- Conn., voiced some misgivings and hinted that he’d vote no on the Feingold resolution.

“Frankly I’d prefer to spend our time on figuring out ways to bring this very important program of surveillance of potential terrorists here in the United States under the law…. I disagree with the Bush administration’s legal judgment on this one…. But this is a critically important program to the prevention of terrorist acts here in the United States.”
I have two words for the people of Connecticut: Ned Lamont.

Crooks & Liars has a great clip up of Ken Mehlman saying just how much he loves Holy Joe.

Personally I think they’re made for each other. Nobody tell Hannity.

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2:26:06 AM    

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