Outrages : Outrageous conduct as I see it.
Updated: 4/2/2006; 9:23:31 PM.


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Comments by: YACCS

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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Diebold Whistleblower Criminally Charged, Pleads Not Guilty

The Law is strange. A woman in Kansas City was once prosecuted for practicing "random acts of kindness," by putting money in parking machines about to run out of time. Apparently it's a crime to do that for other people and of course the city loses out on the revenue for all those parking tickets. It's the same sort of twisted logic. They make an example, in this case, squeal and you will be prosecuted.

From Huffpost via Democratic Underground.

Two Years ago Stephen Heller, an actor in LA who worked part time for the law firm of Jones Day, discovered that one of the firm's clients, Diebold, was possibly going to disenfranchise thousands of voters in the next election.

Heller did the honorable thing, and provided this information to the California Attorney General and then Secretary of State Kevin Shelley - which ultimately resulted in the decertication of Diebold in California.

But last year Kevin Shelley was forced to resign as Secretary of State due to a fundraising scandal. Ah-nald promptly appointed a new Republican Secretary of State who has proceeded to Temporarily certify Diebold despite the information provided by Stephen Heller, and Heller himself is now facing criminal charges.

Vyan's diary :: ::

Stephen Heller is alleged to have exposed documents in Jan. & Feb. 2004 which provided smoking gun evidence that Diebold was using illegal, uncertified software in California voting machines. The docs also showed that Diebold's California attorneys (the powerful international law firm Jones Day) had told them they were in breach of the law for using uncertified software, but Diebold continued to use the uncertified software anyway.

Heller is alleged to have come across these docs while temping as a word processor at Jones Day, and he is further alleged to have taken the docs and exposed them to the bright light of day. Now, after sitting on this for 2 years, the Los Angeles District Attorney, under pressure from Jones Day, is going after this whistleblower with 3 felony charges, each of which carries the potential of time in state prison.

So tell me is it a crime to report the commission of crime now? Apparently it is if the criminals include a large and powerful law firm like Jones Day.

Let's make this clear, folks. The docs Heller is accused of exposing were important evidence. First, they show that Diebold and their attorneys, Jones Day, conspired to mislead the California secretary of state, and that the lie they told was material, and resulted directly in the disenfranchisement of voters. Second, another document demonstrates that Diebold lied to the secretary of state when it represented that certain problems with its software were "fixed." This document, the release notes for the new software, showed that the problems were not fixed. Third, the documents showed that Diebold had been advised by Jones Day that what it had been doing with its uncertified software was illegal. Fourth, the documents show that Jones Day advised Diebold that it was subject to criminal prosecution. So in a nutshell, Diebold was defrauding the state government and taxpayers of California, and disenfranchising the voters of California. And the documents PROVE it.
And I think this is the precisely point. This prosecution is a scare tactic. My feeling is that sometimes it just may in fact be neccesary to risk legal punishment in order to accomplish a far greater good. This is doctrine behind all acts of Civil Disobedience from sit-ins to marches. Those people who abuse the law, and the color of authority to accomplish their ends frequently exploit the of the law to intimidate and silence dissenters.

If CBS and Dr. Jeffrey Wigand hadn't taken the legal risks facing them, we probably still wouldn't know that nicotine is addictive.

If people like Russell Tice hadn't spoken out about the NSA domestic spying program, we still wouldn't know a thing about it.

I'm not saying the "ends justify the means", I'm simply saying there's a reason we have whistle-blower laws, there are reasons these people need to be protected from retalitation. IMO The fact that someone can be a witness and source for the California Attorney General only to be trashed by the LA District Attorney is a loophole that needs to be closed to protect all future efforts by people to speak Truth to Power.

If Linda Tripp can get immunity from Ken Starr, Steve Heller deserves a decent and robust defense.

Naturally, reasonable minds may disagree.

By the way, while looking about a bit on this... I find some interesting speculation on InfraRed abilities of Diebold machines at thebradblog. In fact, I get the feeling the Diebold story is SO BAD, it's hard to tell the fact from the fiction.

The electronic voting technology in the field is utterly broken, susceptible to the most puerile attacks. In fact, their only real defense is attacking whistleblowers and threatening or intimidating others with legal action if they make "unsubstantiated" claims about vulnerabilities. Do we really believe that the likes of Tom Delay, Randy Cunningham, Abramoff etc., aren't going to resort to exploiting these vulnerabilities. Gimme a break. Don't forget, "Dieb" is the German word for "Thief".

And the irony is, if Heller is convicted of a felony for exposing Diebold's crimes against the California voters, he'll lose his right to vote. Diebold will win. We can't let that happen!

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: Man Pleads Not Guilty in Voting Device Case - Los Angeles Times | Man Pleads Not Guilty in Voting Device Case - Los Angeles Times | Man Pleads Not Guilty in Voting Device Case - Los Angeles Times | Man Pleads Not Guilty in Voting Device Case - Los Angeles Times | My Left Wing :: Diebold Whistleblower Charged , Pleads Not Guilty | DIEBOLD WHISTLE-BLOWER CHARGED IN CALIFORNIA | Oregon Voter Rights | Whistleblower charged w/ 3 felonies for exposing Diebold's crimes | Conspiracy Planet - Vote Fraud - USA - Diebold VoteFraud | Open letter on behalf of Steven Heller, Diebold Whistleblower | Black Box Voting : (CA) Man Pleads Not Guilty in Voting Device Case

2:22:45 PM    

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