Updated: 01/05/2003; 7:44:52 AM.
Robert Paterson's Radio Weblog
What is really going on beneath the surface? What is the nature of the bifurcation that is unfolding? That's what interests me.

Thursday, April 03, 2003

This is one of the reasons that so many people like myself love the Island and have chosen to make it our home. It is so beautiful in the summer. We also like the sense of community where you become known. You have dinner at a restaurant and at least half the patrons say hello (not a place to have an affair easily). You find out how to do the car wave - on PEI you wave at those you know as you pass them in the car - if you are on the phone at the time it can be very dangerous! You have an identity.

BUT here's the paradox. After a while, you have the urge to make improvements to how the Island is run and to its society as a whole. After all you have lived in London, been to Oxford and travelled the world - you surely know a lot and have lots of good advice up your sleeve?. This is the tricky bit. You see Islanders hate change. They banned the car for a while concerned that it would threaten their beloved horses. I post this today because of my wife Robin's visit to her doctor who is also From Away. She told him that I work as a change agent. He looked pityingly at her and asked  "How many Islander does it take to change a lightbulb?"

Robin gave him the traditional response of "I don't know". He zinged the punchline "None - they don't change lightbulbs on PEI!"

Am I doomed?

6:04:57 PM    comment []

An uncommon cold. via The Independent: mysterious and deadly virus is spreading rapidly across the globe. What caused the outbreak? And are the right steps now being taken to contain it? Jeremy Laurance follows the trail of the disease to a Hong Kong hotel to find out [Channel 'severe_acute_respiratory_syndrome']

A blow by blow account of who did what to whom in the Metropole Hotel in Hong Kong and an indictment of China - enthralling!

5:26:30 PM    comment []

Why should we worry? After all only a thousand or so cases and less than 100 deaths. I have posted this chart before. It shows how a system tips. If the infected hit a threshold around 5% on the bell curve, the rate of infection will accelerate on the non linear curve.This is why the Health authorities are sweating blood now.

Here is the point. If SARS gets to the threshold on the bell curve, it breaks out and the system tips. What does that mean for you and me? A 4% death rate doesn't sound like much but that's 40,000 deaths a million Say there are 5 million in the Greater Toronto Area. Breakout into the whole community would mean the maximum likelihood of 200,000 deaths. Beyond the loss of life, the real issue will be our own societal immune reaction. We will panic into paralysis.

We are already seeing the city begin to shut down for all business and all forms of meeting such as schools. Hong Kong is closed already. If we get breakout, we will not only have a tragedy in loss of life but a breakdown of life as we know it as we panic to protect ourselves. Intercity travel will be halted let alone international travel. Most of our manufacturing is now Just in Time - what risk there? Air Canada will not be the only airline to fold.

It's ironic, we are often killed by an overreaction of our own immune system. We risk being killed economically by our social immune system as we attempt to protect ourselves from SARS.

If we go down this path - what tips next? The stock market for sure. Then what? With the war and SARS we stand at the edge of a scale of social uncertainty not known in historic times.

SARS Round-up April 3 JST.

Some more SARS stuff.

Earlier, I praised the WHO on their handling of SARS, but as the news starts to unfold, I guess it's not that simple. The tendency for the web to amplify fluctuation is probably hurting our ability to get a good sense of the actual risk of the situation. I think we should be focusing on what we should do to minimize risk rather than freaking out about it. On the other hand, it still appears we know so little about it. The question is whether the damage from freaking out exceeds the risk that SARS poses...

[Joi Ito's Web]
1:12:01 PM    comment []

Wiki as a Collaborative Content Tool.

Good in-depth article on wikis by someone with a background in information science.

Then there's the new issue of Searcher, which includes David Mattison's article Quickiwiki, Swiki, Twiki, Zwiki and the Plone Wars Wiki as a PIM and Collaborative Content Tool. [Underway in Ireland via The Shifted Librarian via Peter Scott's Library Blog]. 

[Ross Mayfield's Weblog]

I have not understood Wiki yet - I will see if this will help

12:28:40 PM    comment []

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