Updated: 01/05/2003; 7:44:53 AM.
Robert Paterson's Radio Weblog
What is really going on beneath the surface? What is the nature of the bifurcation that is unfolding? That's what interests me.

Friday, April 04, 2003

Here is the classic scene from Monty Python's the Life of Brian where the Terrorists - I can never remember which group. Was it the People's Front for the Liberation of Judea or the Front for the People's Liberation of Judea? You know where I am going  (They hate each other more than the Romans) argue about what the Romans ever did for them.

While you have to laugh - it is eerily topical today

9:44:11 PM    comment []

Tomorrow night are the Juno awards in Canada - a bit like the Tony's. My son James Paterson (they have spelled his name wrong with two "tt's) is a nominee for best album design. He will either win or come last. It's that type of work. -The link takes you to some of his other work for Nike, Diesel, Bjork etc. I Hope you enjoy them.

It is a wonderful thing for me as a father to see my son get this type of recognition.He hated school. He always asked the hard questions and never took anything at face value. He came home one day  aged 14 and told me that he could not take it anymore and that he wanted to go to the art school at the local technical college. It was quite a moment for all of us.

The greatest lesson my son has taught me is to follow your own dreams. What a lesson to get from your son. I am so humbled by his wisdom and by his courage not to short change his talent or his direction.

Hope you win James! Hope they let you into Australia - (he is flying today from Thailand via Vietnam to Sydney and I hope he is not caught up in the whole SARS thing)

1:44:52 PM    comment []

What are the genetic issues and what do they mean for treatement and risk? Great article!

12:50:38 PM    comment []

Is war all bad?

One of the unintended consequences of the two World Wars was the emancipation of women from the home. What this picture tells me, as does the reality that American Women are in harm's way, is that once again, War will act as a driver for further breaches to the glass ceiling. I suspect that in the back of our men and women's minds was the feeling that when push came to shove, men were still the only game in town. Rosie showed that the workplace was open to women. Iraq I think is showing that there is no limit to the norms of women's participation in all aspects of Western Society.

War does result in much suffering but it has unintended benefits. The end of slavery. The end of aristocratic government. The end of many dictatorships. The emancipation of women. I am not advocating war - I am saying that a kneejerk negative denies a reality. That in life everything that happens to us that seems bad can have positives and much of what happens that is good has negatives.

8:15:47 AM    comment []

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