Updated: 02/06/2003; 6:45:37 AM.
Robert Paterson's Radio Weblog
What is really going on beneath the surface? What is the nature of the bifurcation that is unfolding? That's what interests me.

Monday, May 26, 2003

Is It Time to Redefine a Women's Role - One More Time?. I grew up in the 1980s and 1990s.  While I was in school feminism transformed the average suburban street from a row of stay-at-home moms to a sea of deserted houses with an island or two of daytime humanity.  Now that I myself am a mother, I wonder whether perhaps there's another - better - option.  I'm not anti-feminist.  I'm just a 21st century feminist. [kuro5hin.org]

Women have always worked. It's just in the last 100 years or so that they have had their work separated from the home. Men have always worked. Apart from hunting, which took a small amount of time, most of their work too has been around the home.  If you are an office worker or a person who works creatively, there is every good reason for all of us to work around home again. Who benefits? All of us - especially the kids!


6:53:12 PM    comment []

2:45:47 PM    comment []

Call for more supplies in Aceh. The Red Cross says it urgently needs more equipment in the Indonesian province, as the conflict enters a second week. [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition]

Testing ther News

2:37:20 PM    comment []

Testing for Peter

2:32:00 PM    comment []

Thanks to Doc Searls

"Are the Matrix directing Wachowski brothers the biggest subversives in America? Well, if they are getting any sort of percent on the box office receipts then they certainly are the richest subversives not named Soros or (for the brief moment) Buffet.

Forget the action and the sci-fi minutia and ignore all the player haters while your at it, the untold story about the Matrix franchise is that its the biggest piece of leftist agitprop to hit the western mediasphere in years. And so far only Salon seems to be getting it. And they only touch on the beginning it (not to mention their bizarre enjoyment of the worst sex scene to grace an A list movie in years). In a time when Bush and Co are trying their best to make American's believe in a one dimensional world of us vs evil, the Matrix is an elaborately crafted vehicle for undermining the conservative message. And countless Americans are eating it up. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw the effects come the 2004 elections.

Hollywood is a left wing paradise with a big problem. Most of the major movie players lean heavily to the political left, but their bread and butter comes from pumping out Good vs Evil themed flicks that play directly into the Lakoffian moral politics of the right wing. Regardless of the explicit messages in a film, the very structure of a Hollywood Blockbuster leads to a reinforcement of a conservative world view.

The first Matrix had a pretty explicit leftist agenda: rise up and revolt against a rigid power structure, question reality, the wool is getting pulled over your eyes by those in control of the system. But that message was undercut by the reliance on the standard Good/Evil binary. For every person driven to question the hidden network of powers driving our world, there is someone who sees another example of the good guys beating the bad guys.

The Matrix Reloaded is out to shatter that trope and its far more effective at calling attention to the structures of power. Remember those hippie "Question Reality" bumper stickers? Well the Matrix is getting people to question reality on a scale that Timothy Leary couldn't even dream of when high off his premium LSD + bullshit blend. The left has been content to release memes into their own marginal subcultures for far to long. The Matrix unleashes memes into the heart of pop culture. "Choice is an illusion created by those with power to control those without", says the Merovingian and the Architect adds in: "nearly 99.9% of all test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level."

The way the Matrix Reloaded points out the multiple layers of control built into society is perhaps the most potent of the messages it carries. Its one thing to make people aware of the first layer of control. Its far more powerful to make them aware of the way that a built in "resistance" can be used to solidify the power structure.

These are powerful seeds for any campaign to make the American public aware of the way the Bush administration is using the rhetoric and the media to sell a system of control. The left has been pushing these ideas for decades now, and general public couldn't give a fuck. Thanks to the Wachowski the ideas are now seething through the subconscious of the suburbs. And its far to soon to guess at what the ramifications are.

Six months from now, when the Matrix Revolutions hits theaters, we'll have a much better sense of it all. Most exciting to me are the indications that the Wachowski's are ready toss the Good/Evil binary out the window in a big way. Neo is the hero of the series so far, but everything else is way less clear. (*Spoiler Alert*) Who are the bad guys though. The Agents are now apparently on their own, at least those without earpieces. Morpheus is now a deluded fool of a leader. And where the Oracle, Merovingian, Persephone, Locke and the Architect fit into it all is up in a cloud of mystery. Perhaps it all collapses back into a nice binary, ala classic Hollywood. But I have a feeling we are in for something more complex. Perhaps a Princess Mononoke style peace making is in the offering.

Regardless of the binary, the leftist agenda is pretty advanced already. The Berkeley wet dream make up of the Zion Council, the Baudrillard references, the Cornell West guest appearance, the unverified anti-Bush jab, the corporate blandness of the Agents, the pro revolution plot-lines, etc, etc. Six more months and we'll find out exactly how extensive the agitprop goes.

Posted by William Blaze at May 22, 2003 06:38 PM | TrackBack "

When the bible was translated into the vernacular, the reformation began. At the heart of the reformation was the idea that each of us could have a direct link to the word and hence to God. We did not need the institution of the church as an intermediary. I wonder if the Matrix may have this effect of revelaing that our true security comes not from the state and certainly not from painting the "other" as the exclusive evil one. Our security is based on looking through our fears to ourselves.

True evil is bland and banal - like the agents - it uses our fears to imprison ourselves and to do terrible things to others in the name of security. As in the Third Reich or the McCarthy Years, the fear of the other can turn ordinary folks into the Agents.

I hope that the Matrix is making the whole Good versus Evil debate appear for what is is - an excuse to strengthen the state against the people.


10:38:56 AM    comment []

The Wolf - A friend, Paul Hickey, once told me that he thought that all human art was an attempt to reproduce what nature does all by itself. As I get to see more of Jean Boulay's work, I am starting to understand what Paul meant.

The tribal eye "sees" the spirit world all around him. There is nothing inanimate in the tribal world. Every tree, rock and stream is invested by the spirit world. All it takes is the right eye to see it. Jean has this eye. Can you see the wolf? Now of course you can say that it is only a distortion but then that is the point. The point is what meaning do we take from our daily exposure to the natural world? If we look for spirits, we will find them. If we assume that nothing is there we will find nothing but a barren landscape.

9:31:38 AM    comment []

Yesterday we got a phone call from a long time friend to tell Robin and I that she had been diagnosed with Cancer of the Pancreas and the Liver. There is no reprieve from this. For much of last night I was thinking about how I would react to such a diagnosis myself. It was this time last year, almost to the day, that Robin herself was diagnosed with breast Cancer. What is happening to me is that I am starting to break through the illusion that my own death is somehow avoidable. Is this not the illusion of our time and culture? If my death is a certainty - don't laugh until you have checked in for yourself as to how you feel - then are most of my worries in life secondary?

In tribal times, death was seen as an integral part of our lives and was connected to the ongoing process of birth, death and renewal. As I write, the leaves are just coming out on our property after 6 months of "death". Tribal spirituality, places great emphasis not on the resurrection of the body but on the permanence of the spirit. The spirit is surely the energetic remnant of each person as incorporated into the place and into the group memory of the tribe. So your reputation in life would have an impact on your spirit as it is recalled by your descendants. This type of belief needs no leap of faith but is confirmed by observing nature itself. Does not my father live on in our stories? Is it only his genes and some of his looks that I share - what about my mannerisms and my world view that not only I have but also my son and my daughter?

Maybe also, not having the strong link to property, tribal people did not "see" life as something that they owned and as such had to be defended as we do. My friend can at best expect a year. In this knowledge how do we then live? In our culture, we can spend the year fighting the inevitable. Or we can choose to live more deeply and to savour every aspect of life. We can worry about leaving our daughter and husband. Or we can think more about ourselves.

Jean's picture informs me. Alone, we can walk bravely to our end. There is a remarkable dignity to the woman as she climbs the dune. She is in charge of herself and she strides out to the edge of the dune. She is not passive. She is prepared - she even has her handbag. How we accept our end gives us power and gives those who love us the strength to accept our leaving the corporal world for the world of the spirit. The world of dreams where we continue to interact with those who have left the day world. The world of dreams where it is possible to transcend corporal time and to walk in eternity.

We moderns hardly dream any more - we are too sleep deprived. Tribal people place enormous value on dream time and the dream world. Why should the world of dreams not be "real" after all we spend 1/3 of our life there. Those of us who live by creating "know" that that hour before rising is often the golden hour when we are floating between the two worlds when ideas, and visions of what we can do in the corporal world cross the barrier of the dream world into our conscious mind.

8:59:42 AM    comment []

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