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Wednesday, September 11, 2002
We remember 9/11 DC A nation mourned its victims and fallen heroes of the World Trade Center bombing. [Reuters]

With the door to the backyard open, on this beautiful September day (a day eerily like the 9/11 of a year ago), we watched the ceremonies at the Pentagon and at the New York World Trade Center memorial. The words that meant the most to us (paraphrased): "that you cannot hold on to anyone or anything. It's like trying to hold a moonbeam in your hand... but what is real is untouched... the bond of love that lives inside us lives on..." (from a speech by Marianne Keane about her father and how she loved him)

When the World Trade Center's third moment of silence arrived, the air was still, heavy and hot. A breeze stirred and winds came from nowhere. The winds have continued today and increased in strength, breathing a welcome chill and bringing down the first of this fall's leaves. Summer is over. Fall has arrived, ushered in by a swarming wind with souls... gone but not forgotten.

October: adopt a dog month "October is Adopt-A-Dog Month, a nationwide effort that encourages dog lovers to celebrate by visiting a local animal shelter to provide a homeless dog or puppy with a caring, loving home," sponsored by the American Humane Association, Purina and Wal-Mart (and other companies participating in The Very Best Pet Network. Tragically, up to 60% of all dogs entering shelters will die in them and many dogs are returned.

To help you find the ideal dog for your lifestyle, the American Humane Society provides some temperment-testing tips, which include visiting ALL of the dogs at the shelter (so you don't fixate on the first dog you see) and making sure the dog is friendly to all in your household.  For more information about Adopt-A-Dog Month, please contact the American Humane Association at 800-227-4645 or visit the AHA website at www.americanhumane.org. [Spokane.net]

(Speaking of temperment testing, our dog was withdrawn when we first adopted him. He would not make eye contact and he was sad. Most dogs, especially intelligent, loyal dogs, will miss the bond with their former people and will need time to grieve..)