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Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Zebu's friends have been visiting You know Zebu, don't you? I tried to translate this with Google's translator. Guess I'll have to find another translator. It's fun to read about visitors in Radioland's referrer logs and try to find where they came from and what they are about. Using Organica help too. 

[ Weblogs ] DogBlog
"Wer sich für Weblogs von Hunden oder über Neuigkeiten aus der Hundewelt interessiert, hier ist eine prima Anlaufstelle: Dog News. Interessanter als den Inhalt finde ich allerdings die kleinen technischen Spielereien am rechten Rand des Logs. Auch das Log von "dem Schockwellenreiter sein Hund" Zebu ist natürlich in der Linkliste verzeichnet."

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dog photos galleries dogs
Dog-umentary photographer shoots, er .. photographs dogs SF Kendra Luck "left behind an award-winning career as a photojournalist and turned her full attention to the furry, four-legged creatures... her calling is to record the lives of dogs on film..." [San Francisco Chronicle via tip by(JP) 21st century schizoid monkey] (cool, that reminds me... to get back to painting and drawing]

Related: The Dogumentarian, Zebu, the adventurer; Phil Ackley's stunning and fall-down funny photos, Lexi the dog, Puppy Breath, the daily blink by Dean and the wonderful dog gallery at Cyber Canine, where you can post your dog's portrait for free (don't miss the dog photo contest).

West Nile Virus found in dog, squirrels, wolf IL Researchers at the College of Veterinary Medicine in Urbana-Champaign have confirmed West Nile virus in "an 8-year-old Irish setter-golden retriever mix from the Bloomington-Normal area, Illinois. West Nile also was confirmed in a 3-month-old wolf at the Peoria Zoo and three gray squirrels -- two in Chicago and one in Champaign..." [United Press International] (To reduce risk to your dog, keep it away from mosquitoes and avoid taking it outside at dusk and sunrise (when mosquitoes swarm).

How to clean pet accidents We dog lovers need help when it comes to cleaning. The HowToCleanAnything site can help. And if you have other pets, including reptiles or birds, you're in luck.

(I was reading about a new feature in Radio by Dave Winer for backend RSS channels and went to Mark Pilgrim's site to understand their features. His site featured how Leslie does it and I saw the jump to How to clean anything and of course they had a subsection called How to clean pets and pet accidents and a wonderful section on How to clean dogs. So, phew, it was worth the trek... now if I could only figure out that geeky backend RSS ). I LOVE RADIOLAND. Radioland rocks. BTW, I think Dave is incredibly generous to give the writing community this incredible tool. He's the greatest, in my book. ) Syndic8.com is another great service that fits like a glove with Radioland. Jeff Barr syndicates thousands of news sources that you can search for news related to your interest. He makes it possible to blog right to blogger.com, radioland, and moveable type. amazing...

Dogs know a thing or two about common sense I was watching a program on TeeVee the other day and heard Sonya Fitzpatrick say "If people would only be more like their pets, the world would be a better place." Now I don't know if she's psychic or not, but that piece of advice sure makes sense. My dog teaches me everyday about relationships. He's quiet; he's too dignified to bark. He's a thinker, not a dumb goofball, but when it comes to people, he always has it right. He accepts them; he is dignified, not too forward, but not a snob either. Dogs don't gossip; they never criticize (even though there's a lot to criticize, if you follow Dog News.) You can trust him to be just what he is ... a stalwart friend... I'm going to be more like my our dog, the wise and gentle giant who is my silent guardian angel.

... enough of that mush ... the dog just dug up the garden ... he looks so happy covered with brown dirt and frolicking around ... we put chicken wire down to keep him from digging and a little wrought iron fence too. He just sailed over that fence without effort -- what a testimony to the surgeon who has given him two total hip replacements... amazing... well, we put some of his doggy poo in strategic places in the garden (it's only flowers, but he eats the flowers).  He wrinkled up his face in disgust when he discovered his own brown packets in the delicious brown earth... he has no interest in the garden now.