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Thursday, September 19, 2002
Jimmy Breslin: sick of dogs with rude owners NY By rude owners, he means the kind that let dogs urinate on magazine stands ... and on people ...  that's rude... and no self-respecting dog owner would allow it. [Newsday]
Librarian's Index to the Internet CA A non-profit organization sponsored by the Library of California, The Librarian's Index to the Internet (LII.org) provides an incredibly rich resource for researching just about any subject in depth. The advanced searching capability is rich, yet easy to use and can drill down to exactly was you're looking for. Don't miss subscribing to What's New This Week so you can find out about new sites as they are added (too bad they don't have RSS -- that would be nifty: this would be a great addition to Syndic8.com).

A search on "dog, canine, K-9, veterinary"  came up with 76 sites, including VetInfo, Woof - Training and Understanding Your Dog, Digital Dog (a site devoted to dog breeds, so you can know what to look for in your choice of breed) and Dog News:  weird, inspiring dog tales (a recent addition). If you know of a resource that you'd like to see included, be sure to make a suggestion when you visit and be sure to suggest your weblog if you focus on  a subject indepth.
dog stories stupid criminals
Dog's poo on a shoe ... captures the crime and robber Queensland "It's not rocket science. It's as plain as poo on your shoe," Sgt Piper said today" ... about the fact that the dog poo a robber stepped in became the perfect imprint medium and led to a positive ID of the criminal's shoe (and thus the criminal). Turns out the robber stepped in a lot of cr*p right before he committed his crime... [The Age] Related: Doo Poo lands robber in Jail]
Experts on West Nile say threat to dogs very low "I wouldn't worry about it," said Bob Godbold, director of environmental health for the Ingham County Health Department. "Even if your dog is exposed, it's very unlikely your dog will develop a serious illness." [Lansing State Journal] (We're going to worry anyway... that's how most people are)

Illinois dog dies of West Nile Virus IL Authorities: Older, Weaker Dogs At Risk 

"Authorities say older dogs, puppies and dogs with weak immune systems could be at risk of contracting the potentially deadly disease...Signs of possible infection include unusual head bobbing, lethargy and progressive weakening.  Officials say pet owners should avoid walking at-risk dogs in areas with a lot of mosquitoes, and keeping them indoors in the evening..." [wvtm nbc13.com]

 (What to do: try to keep your dog away from mosquitoes; keep your dog healthy; visit the vet if he starts getting sick and listless; don't delay the veterinarian visit for even a day if your dog gets sick... don't spray insecticide on the dog... )