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Tuesday, January 13, 2004

The Pet Prescription: Is It for You? CA Pets 'contribute to raising self-esteem, significantly lowering anxiety levels, improving attitude toward others and opening lines of communication.'  And pets may extend your life, especially if you are prone to heart disease:

'Karen Allen, PhD, a medical researcher at the University of Buffalo, conducted a 1999 study of 48 stockbrokers who had high blood pressure and concluded that owners of a cat or dog had lower blood pressure readings in stressful situations than those who had no pets...' [Web MD ]

Nevermind that Animal diseases 'threaten humans' [BBC News]

Seeing eye dog leads blind woman out of burning building IN [Louisville Channel] (dramatic slideshow video of fire)

US military man saves child from vicious dogs Germany Heroic efforts by an airman to free a child from a vicious attack by two marauding dogs were successful... [military.com] (a harrowing must-read)

If I commit suicide, blame it on my wife, mom, dad and dog Humor eases the pain of not finding a parking space:

 "... the suicide manual by K.P. Parthsarthy on page 43, paragraph two, clearly states that no suicide is complete without a suicide note. On page 44, Parthsarthy tells us how to develop a suicide note. Unfortunately, on page 45, Parthsarthy commits suicide, so his note on suicide notes remains unfinished... " [Asian Age] blame it on the dog...

University devises rehabilitation therapy for dogs IL Underwater treadmills, electrical stimulation, body awareness exercises, whirlpool baths and stretching exercises are just some of the therapies prescribed for dogs with torn knee ligaments. Anterior cruciate ligament tears in dogs traditionally require surgery and long-term therapies to heal. Scientists are devising ways to speed healing and add quality of life to pets in recovery. Dogs have it rough, just by the nature of the way their elbows are constructed:

 '... dog elbows in general tend not to fit together very well and develop arthritis as a result. Short-legged dogs such as dachshunds have a problem with spinal cord disease stemming from herniated disks. 'These dogs can be walking down the street, I mean they don't really have to do anything, and they can pop a disk,' said Dunning, a small animal orthopedic surgeon. 'Oftentimes, these animals are paralyzed...' [News Gazette Online]

Owner questions ethics of paying for another dog's funeral... NY When one dog ripped another dog apart during a play session at a dog run, the owner received a bill for the Yorkie's funeral... [New York Times Syndicate]

Seaside town builds beach toilets for dogs Brazil Wooden poles and 'three choices of relief areas - a green grass, cement or sand'... await lucky beach dogs in Brazil... [Ananova Quirkies]

Dogs mysteriously die after walk on New Zealand beaches [Stuff NZ News] In previous years, investigators attributed similar dog deaths to algae bloom.

Man killed in house fire after going back in to get dog WV [West Virginia News]

Residents arm themselves with clubs as dog packs overrun town  TX One worried resident stockpiles her fenced yard with clubs and bats in anticipation of the daily deluge of rampaging dogs in her neighborhood:  'Neighborhood children who know of the gated porch and assortment of clubbing weapons often run there for shelter from a pursuing dog...' [The Facts]

Dog locked in oil drum, suffers burns; owner charged with cruelty TN A black lab narrowly escaped a cruel death when rescuers released him from a chemical oil drum. [News Channel 5]

Killer dogs' owner apologizes CO [CBS 4 News] Online video of the woman who judged her dogs docile enough to have them to play with her two-year-old daughter. The same dogs killed a woman in her own barn and mauled her wouldbe rescuers...


two chow chow dogs remember the golden days of summer...