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Friday, January 02, 2004

The dog lover's resolutions for 2004:

For nerds with dogs:

1. I will stop using my pet's name for my password [Bill Howard of ABC News] funny! must read for nerds

2. I will rename my dog to a really strange long name with &*%() or some other symbol in it, so my Windows computer won't get hacked, just in case I forget and use my dog's name as a password. (too late) Gee and I thought I was the only one who named passwords after a pet. No wonder my computer is hacked.

3. I will stop worrying about the Mad Cow disease and just throw out the da*ng meat treats.... even if I have mad cow disease, there' no need to pass it on to the dog (whose name is now secret, because I've used it for all my passwords.) US meat for Yukon Quest sled dogs banned by Canada due to mad cow
[CJAD, Canada]

the best resolutions for the family dog:

  • brush my dogs' teeth EVEN if I don't brush my mine enough. I am a slave to my dog
  • keep my pets vaccinated...
  • worm my dogs too... yeah, humans can INDEED contract their dogs' worms/parasites
  • keep applying the flea preventive each month
  • keep the dogs on a diet, even they are really cute when they beg
  • exercise the dogs regularly (that one's easy, anything to get away from the windoze computer... )
  • keep my dogs and never, ever drop them off at a shelter...
  • shelter=death.... got it? for most pets, that's the truth of the matter. So, love your pet. How would you like to be rewarded for a life of caring for your people ... with a needle of death, in a strange place, with strange, new people (who are sorry for you, but they have to 'put you down.')

Safe at last: Older and infirm pets find a retirement home WA [Seattle Times] Here's the best news yet, to start the new year off with optimism...

Happy New Year! Taking the next few days off ...

In the spirit of the new year, here's a free random quotes database I've been squirreling away for the past year. Every time I see a worthy dog or animal quote, I stash it here:

My random dog quotes

Right click on the link to download it! Radiolanders can use this script by Peter Backx to implement their own random script.

In studying the traits and dispositions of the so-called lower animals, and contrasting them with man's, I find the result humiliating to me. -- Mark Twain

Robert Scoble just donated his revised and improved Radioland template to the community...

oops, I blew it: Webpages that suck, by Vincent Flanders, didn't nominate Dog News for a webpagesthatsuck award... phew... I'm so relieved... but, ahhh, I am so wrong too. He actually threw Dog News a link! Hurrah for Vincent, who actually lives by the principle of giving credit, even for something as small as a joke!

and that's not something I'm used to. I'm used to the dot.com industry ripping off my entire news content like rabid dogs, without my permission. For example, Dog Images,  Rufruf.com (offline for now), and NW Agility are all blatantly republishing this feed with abandon...  Any dot.com for-profit site that rips off our content will get nominated for the webpagethatsuck award... If you want to use Dog News content, please read the Creative Commons License for this site and abide by it. If you are a not-for-profit organization which benefits animals and people, you MAY definitely republish this feed or any other content you wish. I know you will provide a link back. Rescue people are a better breed:

If people were superior to animals, they'd take better care of the world. -- Winnie the Pooh 

Giving credit where credit is due:

  • Any web design mistakes on this site are DEFINITELY mine and I should immediately get thrown in the dog house for them. Every stupid boo boo is my doing. I need help.
  • Any web design you actually like and admire is NOT my doing and I paid for the work by Joe Jenett, who does all kind of clean web design and programming, including other weblog tools. 
  • All the cool features of this site are built from the Radioland Community who gave their code and advice so freely. For example, a new idea which enhances the reader experience: share your opml subscriptions list by Dave Winer. I'm trying to upload my Feeddemon subscriptions plus my Radioland subscriptions.
  • Radioland is my favorite program on my computer, because it's extensible, reliable and it continues to evolve.