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Thursday, June 10, 2004

Dogs really do try to 'speak' Budapest and their owners often understand them, according to researchers who asked owners to translate their dog's vocalizations... [New Kerala]

Animal rescuers remove 100 animals from  house filled with feces MO  'These living conditions are horrible... and this ranks in the top 10.' [The Daily Times]

New treatments developed to fight canine cancer 'Cancer is the leading cause of non-accidental death in dogs (47% of deaths), with nearly half of all dogs over the age of 10 years dying from cancer, and is the number one concern of pet owners...' [Yahoo Business News]


Stereotyping dog breeds ignores the human influence on dog personality... IN Behind every good dog is a caring companion/owner, who effectively mold a dog's breed tendencies into acceptable behaviors.

Andrew Luescher, director of the Animal Behavior Clinic at Purdue University: "We expect dogs to be little people and understand language, but those expectations are very unrealistic.." [Post Tribune, IN]  Related: Good Dog, Better Man [Slate]