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Tuesday, June 29, 2004

funny headline of the day: Pet owners more careful after dog act UK [This is Lincolnshire]

Woman drove with dog on lap UK ".. 'the dog was seen sticking its head out of the driver’s window. It was in full view on the accused’s lap and was described as being 'out of control'..." [Perthshire]

Man sentenced to 30 year prison term, based on dog's id on scent aroma TN When a dog identified a man's pocket as carrying the scent of crack cocaine, police determined that his pocket must have contained the crack cocaine found lying in close proximity; based on the evidence of a certified drug dog, he was convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison...  [Dyersburg State Gazette]

Should you shave your dog for summer? TX [News 24 Houston] Our two long haired, double-coated dogs do not tolerate hot weather well, so we DO shave them. The advice that a daily brushing and frequent bathing will overcome the drawbacks of long hair in hot weather seems nonsensical to us.  Our dogs are perfectly groomed, but still benefit from a very short cut in summer. Forcing a dog to wear its heavy fur coat in summer is as reasonable as wearing a fur coat on a hot summer day.

Seizure prediction dogs work with children [News Medical Net]

Safeguard pets from fireworks on July 4 USA July 4th is a dark day for many pet owners... when pets bolt from the noise of fireworks, they often get run over by cars.. [Oregonian]

Microsoft in the dog house over Windows Updates I just installed Windows XP SP2 RC2 (the official [but still beta] version of Microsoft's XP update Service Pak 2 ... I should have read Why Windows is a security nightmare [Shell City] This story typifies my experience: I have conscientiously updated windows XP with every recommended patch. But two years later, my computer's registry is so so sick that it will no longer allow updates. And I can't fix it... unless I scrub it... who has the time...  My computer's featured 'Security Center' and 'Alert Center', a new feature of Service Pak 2, is now permanently discombubulated... and that's after a fresh reinstall of windows, with service paks 1 and 2 applied immediately thereafter... phooey...