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Thursday, May 30, 2002

Dog cruelty via neighbor revenge on the rise Everywhere, neighbors are venting frustrations on neighbors by taking it out on their dogs. The acts of revenge can be extreme from the man who ate his neighbor's dog to taunting the neighbor's dog to shooting the neighbor's dog to slipping laxative laced food to a dog.

Such behavior carries a heavy price. The man who slipped laxatives to his neighbor's dog is facing 5 (five) years in prison and a $10,000 fine. The dogs he poisoned are not doing well.

In Montgomery County, Maryland, the fine for killing a neighbor's dog is $100 -- the same fine levied for not picking up your dog's poop in a park. Many states and counties have outdated animal control laws, which consider animal cruelty a property issue and not a criminal act.

When a dog is poisoned, the most important thing is to get it to a vet immediately. Any delay can cause a bad outcome.

"Veterinarian Howie Baker, owner of TLC, said most poisonings happen when a pet is left outside unattended during the day. 'It happened to my dog when I was a child - he was poisoned with strychnine,' Baker said. Symptoms of pet poisonings include salivation, decreased activity and appetite, seizures, abnormal behavior and vomiting. For more symptoms and what to do if you suspect your pet has been poisoned, visit www.tlc-vet.com." (from Dogs victims of increasing malicious acts )

Most poisonings are accidental. Most neighbors are good. Nobody in their right mind would maliciously harm a pet.