Another datapoint in Hollywood vs tech
One of the smartest quotes yet in the ongoing battle of Hollywood vs. technology (and vs. customers) comes from the CEO of SonicBlue, Ken Potashner:
"If the networks and studios focused on the inevitable evolution of their business instead of attempts to stifle technology, we believe everyone involved would benefit, consumers most of all."
Potashner was quoted in this article from CNET on SonicBlue's battle over a court order to spy on its customers:
This kind of intelligence needs to make it into headlines, and should be sent to every lawmaker in Washington, D.C.
More on the ruling from Wired: Sonicblue Freed From Monitoring. The prominent video recording company grabs a big win in court, where a judge reverses a ruling that had ordered it to gather customer information. By Farhad Manjoo. [Wired News]
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