Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
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  Monday, October 9, 2006

Yes, I am quite aware of what's all over the blogosphere today:

Google acquires YouTube for $1.65 billion in stock. [Scripting News]

However, I'm going to state quite emphatically: I don't care.

And someone's going to say, "Well, if you didn't really care you wouldn't write it in your blog." I still don't care. Now, go pay attention to something actually important!

8:49:45 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Where have I  been? I missed the inflection point at which former technical communicators made a leap to content management. I thought we still morphed into experience designers or information architects. And content management just sort of came along for the ride. . .

Content Management: The Next Frontier For Technical Communication . . . Or Another Missed Opportunity?. . .Scott Abel of talks with Melanie Kendell, founder of eMorphus, a fledgling information management consultancy . . .

TCW: Most everyone that has made the leap from technical writing to content management seems to have an [base "]Ah-ha![per thou] moment story. Did you have such a breakthrough?

Dang, I really must start paying more attention to these things, or I'll find myself out of work when I grow up.

8:42:07 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

I plan to be at the monthly BayCHI meeting tomorrow night; it should be interesting, especially given that I haven't a clue what the topic means. Which is why I should show up and learn something:

BayCHI panel on Designing systems with emergent behavior. There is an exciting panel at BayCHI tomorrow (Tues, Oct 10th) with a discussion about the design of sites with emergent behavior. . . Panelists are Tim Brown from Ideo; Peter Merholz from Adaptive Path and Larry Cornett from Yahoo. . . [Rashmi's Blog]

See you there!

8:34:53 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

I'm going to have to reconsider design as a potential new career:

"Designers are the new rock stars."

-Ambra Medda , director, Design Miami Basel [Fast Company]

Nope, I sure wouldn't want to risk being called a rock star. Not me, no way.

8:31:56 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

It might be a stretch, but in the interests of staying somewhat on topic (what was the topic, anyway? oh, yeh, design. . .), let's consider for a moment the design problem of big bad military equipment:

Fleet of ear. . . Ever wonder what a Navy F/A - 18 Hornet sounds like when it goes past you at just under Mach 1 and you hang a microphone out your window? It sounds like this. . .[Bad Astronomy Blog]

About this time last year, I was sitting in the balcony at the San Francisco Opera watching the world-premiere run of John Adams' Dr. Atomic, an opera about J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Trinity test of the first atomic bomb. Just as the house lights went down before the start of the second act, a low roar started up. At first I assumed it was part of the show; it seemed to come from speakers behind me. Then it got louder. . . and louder. . . and louder. . . and louder, as the Blue Angels streaked right overhead. The timing could not have been more perfect, and the audience applauded.

8:29:49 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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Last update: 11/10/06; 6:51:26 PM.

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