Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
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  Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Good question:

How would you change "interactions" magazine?. Let's say you had an opportunity to become an Editor-in-Chief of interactions magazine . . . or that you at least had an opportunity to provide input to the incoming Editor(s)-in-Chief.

How would you change the magazine? Would you change it? What, if anything, is missing? How could it be improved? . . . Please let me know (riander at well dot com), as I have an opportunity to significantly impact the nature and content of the magazine. . .  How could interactions magazine become more valuable to you? [Riander Blog]

I'm glad to see Richard reaching out for feedback on the magazine. Although I've been a regular contributor for 2+ years, I haven't thought that much about direction of interactions; that's the Editors-in-Chief's problem, and I write at their pleasure. But it's time for a change as Jonathan and Elizabeth relinquish control in a few months. So let Richard know what you think. For that matter, I have a stake in magazine's future, too, so copy me on your notes to Richard, if you don't mind: fred at fredsampson dot com. But you probably already knew that.

9:15:08 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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